Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Animal Agriculture Persuasive Essay - 1747 Words
About a year ago, I asked myself a question why am I not a vegetarian? After all, I am one of the green kids. I grew up with my vegetarian dad in a small town. I even joined a club called â€Å"Tree Huggers†. I knew that eating a mere hamburger a day could increase my risk of dying by a third. I knew that the 10 billion animals we raise each year for meat are raised in factory farmed conditions that we hypocritically wouldn’t even consider for our own cats, dogs and other pets. I knew that I was not alone, we as a society are eating twice as much meat as we did in the 50s. So, what was once the special little side treat now is the main course much more regular. What if I told you, that we can change our world through our food choices. The fact†¦show more content†¦Antioxidants and thousands of phytochemicals that protect the body and support good health. Overall vegetarians have a longer life expectancy and lower rates of heart disease, high blood pressure, typ e 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and the list goes on. But don’t just take my word for it, supports for vegetarian diets comes from numerous organizations including the American cancer society, American College of Cardiology, the Mayo Clinic, Harvard School of public and, the national institutes of Health which says, â€Å"Vegetarians may be missing out on grilled hamburgers at picnics, but they tend to also miss out on the major health problems that plagued many Americans†. Just look at the difference in heart disease the number one killer of American, which is twice its size, between those who eat meat and those who are vegetarian. The progression of some of the diseases can not only be halted but reversed in as little as just two to three weeks by switching to a plant based diet. Reducing and eliminating the consumption of meat and meat products with a greener diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts seed and whole gra ins will lead to a healthier world. Secondly, the earth; it’s not only the health of our bodies that is at stake it’s the health of our planet. This is what we are facing now at critical levels climate change and global warming, deforestation, depletion of our resources, soil erosion, species and habitatShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Animal Agriculture1786 Words  | 8 Pages Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, water pollution, habitat destruction, and other issues (Center for Biological Diversity, 2014). How could this be? This is because about 94% of the US population are meat eaters and the industry does not tell you what happens behind their closed factory doors: the industry is the leading cause in both resource consumption and global warming, their meat can cause diseases that can be prevented, and the industry abuses their animals.Read MoreThe Obligation to Endure Essay1388 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward a civilized life.†(Arthur Keith) Civilization began with agriculture, and agriculture continues to be an integral part of our lives. Civilization brought knowledge, knowledge brought technology, and technology brought chemicals and pesticides to â€Å"improve†our world. â€Å"The Obligation to Endure†is an excerpt from Rachel Carson’s â€Å"Silent Spring,†a passionate and masterful work on the results of civilization’s efforts to control pestsRead MoreGlobal Warming1050 Words  | 5 PagesTake a position: Global warming is a real problem. 1000 word Essay. 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This ordering of arguments allows the reader to understand the current situation from which the authors speak, and further grasp the concepts the authors distil into their argument. The article uses the previously discussed introductionRead MoreProper Precedent Under International Law1679 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States - COOL Requirements holding is proper under the similar Clove Cigarettes dispute. Part II of this essay offers background information about GATT, the WTO and the TBT agreement. Part III provides information and facts about the Clove Cigarettes dispute. Part IV provides information and facts about the COOL Requirements dispute. These facts are then analyzed in part V and the essay is concluded in part VI. II. GATT, WTO, AND THE TBT AGREEMENT The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (â€Å"GATT†)
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Confederate Wins and Losses - 643 Words
On April 12,1865 Confederate warships bombed the union at Fort Sumter in South Carolina and this marked the beginning of one of the worst and deadliest wars fought in the world. It was a war that only lasted around four years but yet took 620,000 of our brothers, sisters, and children with it. Families were torn apart, sons had lost their fathers, mothers lost their sons, and whole towns lost every man they had to give. A war that we fought on our land, a war that made brother fight brother, killed almost as many men as every war America has fought since combined. At First the Union believed they were going to fight at least a couple battles and it would all be over with, but oh was the Union wrong. They under estimated the wholeheartedly fighting Confederate soldiers, the Confederates were not going to give up that easily what they needed, what they wanted, and their way of life. Between the battle of Fort Sumter a Confederate victory and the First battle of Bull Run anther Confeder ate victory, there were nine other smaller battles many not large enough to truly be called a battle. Of those nine battles three were won by the Confederates and two were inconclusive. At the first battle of Bull Run, the Union still believed that this is going to be a very short war, they believed it so much that spectators came and lined the sides of the battlefield to watch the Union smash the Confederate Army. Of the spectators most were just common folk or people near that community, butShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of Gettysburg : Why Was It A Turning Point?1272 Words  | 6 Pagesfree and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states. The South then promptly seceded, and formed a new nation, the Confederate States of America. In the late spring of 1863, the Civil War was into its third year. Confederate General Robert E. Lee had just defeated a Union force twice its size. After a few months, Leeâ €™s army was crossing the Potomac River about eighty miles northwest of Washington D.C. and was marchingRead MoreShort Summary Of The Battle Of War1124 Words  | 5 PagesHood started out by having Brown and Cleburne to attack Wagner’s line of 3000 men. Wagner’s men were guarded by fieldworks put up before the Confederates had arrived, but since they were made in haste, they quickly collapsed. Wagner’s line let out a single volley of rifle fire before turning around and retreating to the main line. The Confederates were on the heels of the fleeing Federals, so the defending Federals couldn’t fire in fear of hitting their own. This inability to shoot caused a weakRead MoreThe Lost Cause : The Lost Cause Of The Civil War1572 Words  | 7 PagesSouth had lost the Civil War in every conceivable way. The fact of the matter is, however, the South did win in one respect: it won the war of memory. Confederate flags fly in the state of Ohio, a state that was staunchly Union in the 1860s. In Washington, a state that did not exist during the Civil War, there is a highway that honors the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. Confederate monuments have been erected around the United States since the Union victory and have recently startedRead MoreWhy the South Lost the Civil War1696 Words  | 7 Pages The Civil War was not the defeat of a hopeless rebellion. The Confederates had legitimate opportunity to win independence, but they failed to capitalize on it. The South’s chances at victory were not remote; rather they could expect to win. The ultimate cause of the South’s failure was a lack of aggression in all aspects. The two times the Confederates attacked the North at Antietam and Gettysburg, the results were catastrophic because of a lack of strategy. An offensive plan of war does not necessarilyRead MoreThe Battle Of Bull Run1172 Words  | 5 PagesThe Battle of Bull Run, or First Manassas to the Confederate States of America, was the first major battle of the Civil War. The battle would be a rude wake up call for everyone entering the war. This paper will explore the various details of the battle, including its importance. The Battle of Bull Run occurred on July 21, 1861 approximately three months after the start of the war. It took place in Prince William County, Virginia. To be more specific, nearby the town of Manassas and the river knownRead MoreThe Battle Of Gettysburg And A Website Article From The New World Encyclopedia1320 Words  | 6 Pageswhen certain tactics were used on a cartain day of the battle, and the aftermath of the battle. One limitation of the content is that it is slightly biased toward the Union. The values of this article are that it provides maps to support where the Confederates attacked from and where the Union made its tactics for each day. The article also provides information on each attack, such as the number of troops and the time that these attacks took place. One limitation of the article is that there is no authorRead MoreAmerican History : The Battle Of Gettysburg1213 Words  | 5 Pagesof these can compare when it comes to the amount lives lost or importance to the outcome of the war itself as the Battle of Gettysburg; the three day engagement fought between the North-bound men of Robert E. Lee’s confederates and the union soldiers under Meade’s command. Confederate General Robert E. Lee was in the midst of a campaign that was focused on sending a war to the North and hopefully making Northern politicians pull their support from the fighting. After victory at ChancellorsvilleRead MoreJefferson Davis And The American Civil War1285 Words  | 6 Pages secretary of war and president of the Confederate States of America for the duration of the American Civil War (1861-1865). Prior to the start of the war, Davis had argued against secession, but when Mississippi seceded he resigned from the U.S. Senate. In February 1861 he was elected president of the Confederacy states. Davis faced difficulties throughout the war as he struggled control and manage the Southern war effort, maintain control the Confederate economy and keep a new nation together andRead MoreMilitary Leadership : No Control Group Exists1518 Words  | 7 Pageslike General George McClellan who built the Union army in the early stages of the war but was a lethargic and fearful field commander who seemed incapable of gathering the courage to assertively take on Confederate General Robert E. Lee, an American soldier best known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia; others are indicted on being too reckless. Shelby Foote, an American historian and novelist, describes the massacre on Gettysburg by Major General George Pickett, proclaimingRead MoreThe Battle Of The Civil War1163 Words  | 5 Pagesrights and slavery even spurred the division of the country and by the time of Lincoln’s official inauguration into Presidential office on March 4, 1861, 7 southern states had already decided to secede from the Union. Those 7 states started the Confederate States of America, run by their own President, Jefferson Davis. This same issue was the catalyst for the Civil War which started on April 12, 1861. One of the major and well-known battles of the Civil War was the Battle of Gettysburg. It was on
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Why Do I Want to Become a Teacher Free Essays
All of my experience for the past 10 years since I have been in USA led me to realizing that I am passionate about teaching and working with children. I migrated to this country from Slovak Republic right after graduating from Comenius University with the major in Biochemistry. Being only 22 years old I wanted to experience some adventure before getting the regular 9-5 job at some Research Laboratory. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Do I Want to Become a Teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now I signed up for a Summer Program with YMCA and came to Poland, Maine as a summer camp counselor. The environment was just beautiful. These little wooden cabins located on a beautiful Lake Sebago. That’s where my passion for working with children began. I was spending that summer with kids who were coming from broken and low income families from outside of Boston. I was responsible for a group of young girls, 7-10 years old. I and the girls bonded really quickly. Every day was different. Different fun, different drama, different atmosphere. And I loved every minute of it. I loved being creative with all kinds of activities, I loved being a leader who the girls looked up to and we had tremendous fun. I felt like I was making a difference in those children’s lives. At least for those few summer months those girls felt safe, nurtured and cared for. And I felt fulfilled and useful. After few years working in customer service I returned back to working with children. This time I took on a nanny job. I again experienced creating a strong bond with the boys I was taking care of. Their parents were divorced and the boys were switching between the two households each week. I felt that I brought a sense of calm and peacefulness to their lives. I lead them through their homework, different projects, we did all kinds of activities but most importantly we were having good and memorable time. Once they got older and got busier with their school and afterschool activities I had more time on my hands so I took it a step further and started tutoring chemistry and science. That`s where I felt the strongest fulfillment. To see my students succeed was the biggest satisfaction and I immediately knew that I wanted to become a teacher. I think teaching is adventurous, challenging, exciting job and personally very rewarding career. Working with students, every day is different; there is no room for routine or boredom. I am passionate about science and I want to share my knowledge with students. I have to say that I came a long way. It took me little longer than it takes other people to figure out â€Å"what do I want to be†but I feel positive and happy about my decision and cannot wait to step into a real classroom as a new teacher one day. How to cite Why Do I Want to Become a Teacher, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Invisible Essay Summary Example For Students
Invisible Essay Summary Word Count: 376A hero is considered to be any man noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose; especially, one who has risked or sacrificed his life. This describes one of the main characters in the highly acclaimed novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, by Ken Kesey. Randle McMurphy is the hero of this novel because he stood firmly against oppressive powers, showing courage and ultimately paying with his life. There were no heroes on the psychiatric ward before McMurphys arrival. Nurse Ratched wielded supreme power. No single patient had the ability to stand against the injustices to which they were subjected. McMurphy united these patients. He gave them collective courage and a sense that they could resist their persecutor. For example, Harding states, No ones ever dared to come out and say it before, but theres not a man among us that doesnt think it. That doesnt feel just as you do about her and the whole business-feel it somewhere down deep in his scared little soul. Not o nly did McMurphy unite his friends, the patients; but he understood the enemy, the staff. He recognized the ultimate authority and oppressive power of those in charge of the psychiatric ward. He also knew that to resist them would put himself at great personnel risk. McMurphy, however, took the risk and defended his fellow patients. For example, McMurphy says to the black boy who is harassing George, I said thats enough buddy. McMurphy knew this confrontation would have harsh consequences, but he took the chance. In fact McMurphy took one too many chances. This heros end comes when he lashes out at nurse Ratched, blaming her for the death of Billy Bibbit. McMurphy demonstrated his feeling for Billy by his emotional reaction to his death, First Charles Cheswick and now William Bibbit! I hope youre finally satisfied. Playing with human lives-gambling with human lives-as if you thought yourself to be God! This outburst results in McMurphy having a lobotomy and later dying. In conclusio n, Randle McMurphy lost his life courageously defending the other patients. McMurphy had several chances to save himself, but chose instead to stay and help his fellow patients. McMurphy is a true hero and his acts of bravery and selfless behavior prove this.
Friday, November 29, 2019
Philip Freneau free essay sample
An introduction to American writer, Philip Freneau. A paper which introduces and discusses the work of early American writer, Philip Freneau. The paper also discusses several of his poems, including, The Wild Honey Suckle and The Indian Burying Ground. Freneau work almost seemed to come from two different men. One is the patriot, who passionately believed in freedom, and shared his views with the world. The other is the quiet, contemplative man, who wrote of the natural world, and tried to bring together his differing views on religion, politics, and life. He was certainly a forward thinking man, and if he struggled between religious and Deist beliefs, he let his poetry discuss his differences, and his political views express the rest of his feelings.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Kohls Dillards Essays
Kohls Dillards Essays Kohls Dillards Paper Kohls Dillards Paper FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING Kohl’s Corporation and Dillard’s Inc. – Financial Statement Analysis A. Kohl’s Corporation and Dillard’s Inc. are in the retail industry which is a highly competitive industry. There are a high number of retail stores, department stores which compete between each other on local, regional and national level. That competitiveness is highly influencing operating results of the company. The importance of the retail industry emphasizes the sentence below: â€Å"An estimated two-thirds of the U. S. gross domestic product (GDP) comes from retail consumption. Therefore, store closings and openings are an indicator of how well the U. S. economy is recovering after the Great Recession in the late 2000s. †[1] Regarding the size, Kohl’s Corporation has 929 stores in 47 states and Dillard’s Inc. has 326 stores in 29 states. They offer apparel, footwear and accessories for women, men and children, soft home products and other consumer goods. As we can see they differ in numbers of the stores and also in the approach. Kohl’s Corporation is more like discount store where Dillard’s Inc. offers more sophisticated and upscale approach, although both of the companies offer also on-line shopping on their websites. For Kohl’s Corporation we can see their expansion below: | | | | | | |Region |  |States |  | |Net Sales |100. 0% |100. 0% |100. 0% | |Cost of merchandise sold |63. 5% |63. 6% |64. 4% | |Gross margin |36. 5% |36. 4% |35. % | |Operating expense: |25. 6% |24. 7% |25. 0% | | Selling, general, administrative |22. 4% |21. 9% |22. 2% | | Depreciation and amortization |2. 7% |2. 5% |2. 5% | | Preopening expenses |0. 4% |0. 3% |0. 3% | |Operating Income |11. 0% |11. 6% |10. 5% | |Other expenses |0. 4% |0. % |0. 5% | | Interest expense |0. 5% |0. 4% |0. 5% | | Interest income |0. 1% |0. 2% |0. 0% | |Income before income taxes |10. 6% |11. 4% |10. 0% | |Provision for income taxes |4. 0% |4. 3% |3. 7% | |Net income |6. 6% |7. 1% |6. 3% | DILLARD’S INC. COMMON – SIZED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS |Dillard? Inc | Feb 2, 2008 | Feb 3, 2007 | Jan 28, 2006 | |Net Sales |100. 0% |100. 0% |100. 0% | |Cost of merchandise sold |64. 9% |64. 4% |65. 2% | |Gross margin |35. 1% |35. 6% |34. 8% | |Operating expense: |33. 0% |31. 2% |31. % | | Selling, general, administrative |28. 0% |26. 8% |26. 5% | | Depreciation and amortization |4. 1% |3. 9% |3. 9% | | Rentals |0. 8% |0. 7% |0. 6% | | Loss on disposal on assets |-0. 2% |-0. 2% |0. 0% | | Asset impairment and store closing charges |0. 3% |0. % |0. 8% | |Operating Income |2. 1% |4. 4% |3. 0% | |Other expenses interest |1. 2% |1. 1% |1. 4% | |Income before income taxes |0. 8% |3. 3% |1. 6% | |Provision for income taxes |0. 2% |0. 3% |0. 2% | |Equity of earning in joint ventures |0. % |0. 2% |0. 1% | |Net income |0. 7% |3. 1% |1. 6% | KOHL’S CORPORATION COMMON – SIZED BALANCE SHEET |Current Assets | Feb 2, 2008 | Feb 3, 2007 | Jan 28, 2006 | | | | | | | | |Cash |1. % |2. 1% |1. 4% | | |Short-term investments |4. 6% |4. 8% |1. 7% | | |Merchandise inventories |27. 0% |28. 5% |24. 4% | | |Accounts Receivable |0. 0% |0. 0% |18. 0% | | |Deferred Income Taxes |0. 7 % |0. % |0. 3% | | |Other |1. 3% |1. 7% |0. 7% | | |Total Current Assets |35. 3% |37. 6% |46. 6% | | | | | | | | |Property and equipment, net |61. 6% |59. 3% |50. % | | |Favorable lease rights, net |2. 0% |2. 4% |2. 3% | | |Goodwill |0. 1% |0. 1% |0. 1% | | |Other assets |1. 0% |0. 6% |0. 5% | | |Total Assets |100. 0% |100. 0% |100. % | | | | | | | |Total Liabilities Shareholders’ Equity | | | | | | | | | | |Current Liabilities | | | | | |Accounts payable |7. 9% |10. 3% |9. 1% | | |Accrued liabilities |7. 6% |8. 0% |7. % | | |Income taxes payable |1. 2% |2. 6% |1. 8% | | |Current portion of long-term debt and capital leases |0. 1% |0. 2% |1. 2% | | |Total Current Liabilities |16. 8% |21. 2% |19. 1% | | | | | | | | |Long-term debt and capital leases |19. 4% |11. 5% |11. % | | |Deferred income taxes |2. 5% |2. 7% |2. 4% | | |Other long-term liabilities |3. 5% |2. 6% |2. 0% | | | | | | | | |Total Liabilities |42. 2% |38. 0% |34. 9% | | | | | | | | |Common stock $. 1 par value,800,000 shares authorized, 350,753 ; 348,502; and|0. 0% |0. 0% |0. 0% | | |345,088 shares issue | | | | | |Paid in Capital |18. 1% |19. 4% |17. 3% | | |Treasury stock at cost, 40,285; 27,516; and 0 shares |-22. 5% |-18. 0% |0. 0% | | |Retained Earnings |62. 2% |60. % |47. 8% | | | | | | | | |Total Shareholders’ Equity |57. 8% |62. 0% |65. 1% | | | | | | | | |Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ equities |100. 0% |100. 0% |100. 0% | DILLARD’S INC. COMMON – SIZED BALANCE SHEET Current Assets | Feb 2, 2008 | Feb 3, 2007 | Jan 28, 2006 | | |Cash and cash equivalent |1. 7% |3. 6% |5. 4% | | |Accounts Receivable |0. 2% |0. 2% |0. 2% | | |Merchandise inventories |33. 3% |32. 8% |32. 7% | | |Other Current Assets |1. 2% |1. 3% |0. % | | |Total Current Assets |36. 4% |37. 9% |39. 0% | |à ‚ |Property and Equipment: | | | | | |Land and land improvements |1. 6% |1. 7% |1. 6% | | |Buildings and leasehold improvements |58. 4% |54. 3% |50. 7% | | |Furniture, fixtures and equipment |36. 9% |40. 0% |38. % | | |Buildings under construction |1. 8% |1. 1% |1. 7% | | |Buildings and equipment under capital lease |0. 9% |0. 9% |1. 5% | | |Less accumulated depreciation and amortization |-39. 8% |-39. 7% |-37. 3% | | |Total property and equipment |59. 8% |58. 3% |57. 1% | | |Goodwill |0. 6% |0. 6% |0. % | | |Other Assets |3. 2% |3. 1% |3. 2% | | |Total Assets |100. 0% |100. 0% |100. 0% | |Total Liabilities Shareholders’ Equity | | | | |Current Liabilities | | | | | |Trade accounts payable and accrued expenses |14. 1% |14. 8% |15. % | | |Current portion of long-term debt |3. 7% |1. 9% |3. 6% | | |Current portion of capital lease obligations |0. 0% |0. 1% |0. 1% | | |Other short-term borrowings |3. 7% |0. 0% |0. 0% | | |Federal and state income taxes including deferred taxes |0. 7% |1. 4% |1. 5% | | |Total Current Liabilities |22. 2% |18. 1% |20. % | | |Long-term debt |14. 2% |17. 7% |19. 2% | | |Capital lease obligations |0. 5% |0. 5% |0. 6% | | |Other liabilities |4. 1% |3. 8% |4. 7% | | |deferred income taxes |8. 2% |8. 3% |8. 7% | | |Guaranteed preferred beneficial interests in the companys subordinated |3. 7% |3. 7% |3. % | | |debentures | | | | | |Total Liabilities |52. 9% |52. 2% |57. 7% | | |Common stock Class A |0. 0% |0. 0% |0. 0% | | |Common Stock Class B (convertible) |0. 0% |0. 0% |0. 0% | | |Additional paid in capital |14. 6% |14. 3% |13. 6% | | |Accumulated other comprehensive loss |-0. 4% |-0. 4% |-0. % | | |Retained Earnings |50. 2% |48. 9% |43. 7% | | |Less Treasury stock at cost Class A |-17. 3% |-15. 1% |-14. 7% | | |Total Shareholders’ Equity |47. 1% |47. 8% |42. 3% | | |Total Liabilities and Shareholders’ equities |100. 0% |100. 0% |100. 0% | D. ROE = NI / Average stockholders equity KOHL’S CORPORATION ROE2007= 18. 5 % ROE2006=19. 18% DuPont Model |2007 |2006 | |Cost of Taxes |37. 78% |37. 52% | |Cost of Debt |3. 46% |2. 22% | |Operating Profit |10. 95% |11. 64% | |Asset Turnover |1. 68 |1. 72 | |Capital Structure Leverage |1. 67 |1. 57 | |Return on Equity (ROE) |18. 52% |19. 18% | ROE = NI / Average stockholders equity DILLARD’S INC. ROE2007 = 2. 11% ROE2006 = 10. 00 % |DuPont Model |2007 |2006 | |Cost of Taxes |11. 17% |3. 3% | |Cost of Debt |60. 20% |25. 67% | |Operating Profit |2. 06% |4. 37% | |Asset Turnover |1. 37 |1. 43 | |Capital Structure Leverage |2. 11 |2. 22 | |Return on Equity (ROE) |2. 11% |10. 00% | E. Trends in Subcomponents of ROE Trends for Cost of Taxes Kohl has a pretty stable tax rate around 37. 5% while Dillard has a highly unstable one, growing from 3. 42% and 3. 23% in 2005 and 2006 to 11. 17% in 2007. Trends for Costs of Debt While Kohl has fair costs of debt of 3. 6% in 2006 (which is below the industry average of 4%), Willards cost of debt worsened to 60. 2% in 2006 (from 25. 7% in 2005). Trends for Operating Profit Kohls profit slightly dropped by 5. 9% to 10. 95% from 2006 to 2007, Dillard worsened by 58. 2% to an EBIT of 2. 06% from 2006 to 2007. Trends for Asset Turnover Kohls asset turnover rate stayed relatively stable, slightly declining from 1. 72 to 1. 68. Dillard declined from 1. 43 in 2006 to 1. 37 in 2007. Trends on Capital Structure Leverage Kohl nearly doubled their long-term debt and increased their capital structure leverage from 1. 57 in 2006 to 1. 67 in 2007. Dillard reduced their leverage from 2. 22 in 2006 to 2. 1 in 2007. Profitability With 18. 5% ROE in 2007 (19. 2% in 2006), Kohl is by far more profitable than Dillard, whose ROE dropped to 2. 1% in 2007 (from 10% in 2006). While both firms have a similar gross profit (Kohl 36. 5%/2007; Dillard 35. 1%/2007), Kohl achieves an EBIT of 10% against 2. 1% for Dillard. Looking at both companies RNOA, it confirms that Dillard is struggling with a very low NOPM of only 1. 75% in 2007 against 6. 8% in the same year for Kohl, while Dillard is making better use of their net operating assets. F. Kohl’s Corporation asset efficency Dillard’s Inc. asset efficency G. Liquidity and solvency for Kohl’s Corporation Liquidity Solvency |2007 |2006 |2005 | |Current ratio |2. 10 |1. 78 |2. 44 | |Quick ratio |0. 49 |0. 43 |1. 16 | |Debt-equity ratio |0. 73 |0. 61 |0. 54 | |Interest cost |5. 76% |3. 64% |8. 36% | Liquidity and solvency for Dillard’s Inc. |Liquidity Solvency |2007 |2006 |2005 | |Current ratio |1. 64 |2. 10 |1. 7 | |Quick ratio |0. 14 |0. 28 |0. 30 | |Debt-equity ratio |1. 12 |1. 09 |1. 36 | |Interest cost |170. 30% |35. 68% |86. 90% | COMPARISON OF CURRENT RATIO‘S FOR KOHL’S CORPORATION AND DILLARD’S INC. [pic] COMPARISON OF QUICK RATIO [pic] COMPARISON OF DEB T TO EQUITY RATIO [pic] COMPARISON OF INTEREST COST [pic] [1] Farfan, Barbara â€Å"Retail Industry Information: Overview of Facts, Research, Data Trivia 2011†. About. com June 2011 http://retailindustry. about. com/od/statisticsresearch/p/retailindustry. htm
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Poverty Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Poverty Issues - Essay Example Poverty in developed countries is obvious in a set of social problems together with homelessness and the perseverance of ghetto housing groups. There are several factors that have been mentioned to explain why poverty takes place. However, no single reason has gained universal recognition. At the international level, some highlight global systemic causes, for example, aid, trade and debt, which are the focal point of the Make Poverty History campaign. Whereas others point to national level deficits of public administration and financial management, which is the focal point of the Good Governance program of the international financial institutions. At the national level, some point to individual factors, including drug use, work ethic and education level as the major reason of poverty, while others points to the insufficient social services and strategies inclined in favor of the wealthy and social leaders as a cause of continuing poverty. Other cause of poverty includes environment, health care, government inefficiency and other social factors. (Jeffery Sachs, 2005). Those living in poverty and wanting a way in to necessary health services, suffering hunger or even starvation, go through mental and physical health problems which make it difficult for them to perk up their circumstances. One third of deaths, about 18 million people annually or 50,000 each day are because of poverty related factors. Altogether 270 million people, the majority of them women and children, have been expired as a result of poverty ever since 1990's. Those living in poverty undergo lower life expectation. Every year, approximately 11 million children surviving in poverty pass away before their fifth birthday. Those living in poverty frequently endure from hunger and 800 million people go to bed, starving every night. Poverty also boosts up the danger of homelessness. There are more than 100 million street children wandering all alone in the world. Increased risk of drug abuse is also a reason which is linked with poverty. Diseases of poverty are the sign of the vibrant relationship between poverty and poor health. Whereas such transferable diseases effects directly from poverty, they also perpetuate and intensify insolvency by weakening personal and national health and monetary resources. Such as, malaria reduces GDP growth by up to 1.3% in some rising countries and by killing tens of millions in sub Saharan Africa. AIDS it self terrorize the economies, social formations and political constancy of every society.Low income and possessions levels weaken the capability of governments to charge taxes for public service terms, adding to the brutal circle connecting the causes and effects of poverty. Lack of necessary communications, poor education and health services and poor hygiene contribute to the continuation of poverty. Poor access to reasonable public education can direct to low levels of literacy, further establishing poverty. Weak public service provision and high levels of poverty can amplify country's weakness to natural calamities and make states more defenseless to shocks in the international economy, for example, those linked with rising fuel prices or declining goods and services costs. The ability of the state is
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Birth Control Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Birth Control Policy - Essay Example For instance, some theories such as the public choice theory put more emphasis and focus at the level of individuals rather than focusing on the institutional level. The public policy making process is normally at the heart of effective services provision. It has been stated that the process of policy making normally occurs six major phases (Howlett, et al 2009). These are agenda setting, decision making, policy formulation, implementation, evaluation and finally termination or renewal. Health is a matter of public interest. For this reason the government involvement in matters concerning health is usually to a greater extent. The government normally formulates policies for different reasons. Some policies are normally formulated for the purpose of population control. Population control is actually the essence of birth control. The health policy is triggered by the desire and need to address several issues. These are broadly explained as; the health care policy seeks to be comprehensive enough to include the highest number of the citizens possible. This is one of the reasons why some people were saying that implementation of the policy will be very expensive and might cause the tax payer a lot of money. Coverage does not necessarily mean access. These two can be mutually exclusive. For instance, a person might be under the coverage of a certain health care scheme but for some other reason fails to gain access. Coverage also means a wider scope of the provisions of the insurance and other health plans. For instance, there is a new federal directive that requires insurance plan to also provide for birth control. The policy also seeks to ensure that the health care being accorded is quite affordable to everyone. This stems from the notion that health care is a very essential service that each and every person should have access to. For this reason it is important that the health care cost is affordable. Health care is a very important service. This can
Monday, November 18, 2019
Decision Making and Appropriate Problem Solving Tools Essay
Decision Making and Appropriate Problem Solving Tools - Essay Example As the manager of a county clinic faced with a budget cut, an appropriate problem-solving tool should arrive at the best decision for the scenario. This essay aims to resolve the issues through the utilization of appropriate tools in decision making. The case scenario presented the following, to wit: â€Å"you are a manager in a county clinic that provides care to Medicaid clients. Your department budget was recently cut by 15%. From a statewide health policy standpoint, given a defined budget constraint, what clinical services should be eliminated or introduced to best address healthcare needs of a Medicaid population?†Different studies present varying models of a typical decision-making process depending on their perspectives. Some models follow eight steps, others five. For purposes of making intuitive choices, the following six steps in decision making are utilized, in conjunction with the cause and effect approach in problem-solving. The six steps of this natural, intuitive decision-making process, according to Ethics Resource Center (2009, 1) are: â€Å"Step 1: Define the problem; Step 2: Identify available alternative solutions to the problem; Step 3: Evaluate the identified alternatives; Step 4: Make the decision; Step 5: Implement the Decision; and Step 6: Evaluate the decision†. The county clinic manager determined how to best address the delivery of healthcare services to a Medicaid population given a budget cut of 15%. The financial problem evaluates the possibility of streamlining or eliminating identified clinical services. The budget cut would have serious repercussions for the county clinic in terms of its ability to deliver the same level of quality health care as initially projected. The first step that the manager should do is to envision what would be the effects of the budget cut in addressing the health care needs of his clientele. The alternative courses of action are identified at this stage. A cause and effect analysis should detail the characteristics of the Medicaid population who would be affected by the budget cut.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Ryanair Strategic Management and Business Planning Case Study
Ryanair Strategic Management and Business Planning Case Study Introduction: Following report is based on the SWOT and PESTEL analysis of the Ryanair. This report will describe about the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats of the ryanair. We will also examine about the external environmental effect by using the political, Economical, social, technological, environmental and legal analysis. There is briefly history of the ryanair which explain the investments and starting problems and till now, about the condition of internally and externally environment of the ryanair. Firstly discuss about the external environmental impact on the Ryanair and related to the strategy of the Ryanair. Basic objective and aim is to provide low cost fare services and increase profitability and to be a leader of market. By using the technique of PESTAL analysis can forecast the environmental change. For the examiner of environmental change have used different approaches like Bowmens strategy clock, Anoffs matrix, Michaels porters strategy. In addition, for determinant explain the porters five force model which have help out in the analysis of the competitive advantage ,new entrants, threats of substitutes. SWOT analysis is the best way to examine the internally condition of the Ryanair. It has explained about the powerful element and weak elements and also given the information about the new opportunities that Ryanair can get. Strategy Management: Strategy is the way and scope of an organization which achieve their goals in changing environments through its configuration of resources and competence with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder desires over the long term periods. There are following points which explain the term strategy: Strategy is concerned with the long term planning of any organization. Strategy is concerned with scope of any organizational activities. Purpose of strategy is to achieve some advantages for the organization over competition. Strategy is also affected by the values and expectation of those who have power in and around the organization, not only environmental forces and strategic forces. Main purpose of strategy is to achieve its aims and goal of organization. History of Ryanair: Ryanair is one of the most aircraft in the world including 44 bases and the 1100+ low fares more than 26 countries connecting with 175 countries. Ryanair has been launched by Ryan family in 1985 with the share capita  £1 and 25 staff members. In 1986 ryanair has taken permission from British airways and Aer linguis. Services are launched 1st turbo 46 seats aircraft from Dublin to London in May. After three year rapid growth , in 1990 ryanair faced  £20m accumulated losses and Ryan family has invested more  £20m and as copying the southwest airlines it was relaunched again and made new strategies under the new managerial systems and reduces their fares from  £99 to  £59 return tickets. In 1991 ryanair has changes its bases from Lutin to new airport of London Stansted which had new terminal and direct link of rail services. With the passage of time, ryanair has seen many changes every year. In 1995, Ryanair had untaken the British airways and Aer linguis. And also celebrated its 10th birthday with the great celebration. It becomes biggest air route in the Europe and internationally and also lowest fare rate airline domestically. Ryanair growth increased rapidly and employees receives shares of Ryanair and Ryanair received new Boeing aircrafts. In 2000, Ryanair has launched its website for the benefit of customers like booking, accommodation, train facilities and many more allowances as well. Furthermore, Ryanair has employed new employees and has developed career. Ryanair also promoted staff in 2007 and 2008. External Environment: Ryanair is largest low cots airline in the Europe. Ryanair is the largest investing and achieved its growth in friendly environment. Ryanair strategy is trying to improve its performance more. Ryanair has replaced its old Boeing aircraft to the new developed technology aircrafts. Ryanair also reduces the use of fuel and minimise the ratio of CO2 per passenger. Strategy of Ryanair is low cost fare and more profitability. Ryanair also use the point to point journey planner and tried to not landing during the way. It also tried to reduce the time. Ryanair also reduced to affection and disturbance by the noise or aircraft. It used new technology for less noise like new winglets and its help out in reduction of noise. Ryanair is the very low cost which is not offered to passenger for free food, drinks and many things. It safe thing not waste it. Ryanair has increased in tourism, employment level, and infrastructure. Theses external element has great impact on the strategy of the ryanair. Ryanair has basic objective low fares and high profit and giving good customer service to the passengers. With the [passage of time strategy of ryanair is developed and many changes incurred in it. Ryanair strategy is reducing the costs which include personnel, equipment cost, airport access rather than its competitors. Moreover, Ryan air with the high productive source is trying to improve its productivity which helps in reducing the labour cost. Ryanair strategy: After examine the SWOT analysis and Ryanair capabilities now we can easily describe about the strategy of Ryanair. Ryanair has cost minimization strategy through this it want to be leader of market and want to gain competitive advantage. Ryanair strategy is trying to focus on the aviation industry, new fleets, and airport charges route services and managing marketing cost etc. Basic aim and objective of ryanair is to increase low fares services and by doing continues progress want to be European low cost scheduled airline. Moreover, Ryanair providing low cost fares for those people who have travelled by other means of transportation and also those people did not ever travel at all. According to the statistical data Ryanair has maintained the recode of punctuality. Ryanair do point to point and non-stop routes which has reduced the cost of services. It also increase the productivity level by using work force which has help out in minimising labour cost. Ryanair also offers Bonuses, compensation, commission on the basis of hours for the encouragement of staff and personnel and crew member and pilot. Ryanair has new reservation system developed internet facility. Ryanair does not compensate with its safety rules, staff training and quality insurance and do not extend its low cost strategy in theses area. For the repairing of the crafts it has contract with the third party according to the European airlines otherwise repairing and maintenance work done by itself in London. Except all of these things ryanai r take care about the customer service, providing food, beverage, travel insurance, car rental and accommodation and it also provide telephonic reservation and different facilities. PESTEL Analysis of Ryanair: Political: In political analysis of ryanair include the internal and external stability of political condition in Europe countries like Middle East. Ryanair has to follow New EU rules and regulation, expansion and duty free sales of products. Government has help to the ryanair to take it internationally. Government also provided full security system to the ryanair. Economical: Outside and inside economy is different in the Europe. Inside economy is stable while outside economy is non stable. Price of fuel is increasing day by day and depreciation of US dollar also increasing. There are some regional subsidies also preferable in the ryanair analysis. Ryan air also created linkage of between new highly speed trains and airport. Social: In social analysis of ryanair, there is increase in grey marketing and also lifestyle of travelling is changing day by day. There is also change in consumers demographics. Demand and preferences of consumers also changed and fluctuated with the passage of time. Technological: Ryanair bought new fleets and advanced technology aircrafts for the consumers satisfaction. It also introduced new software programmes for the improvement in supply chain systems. Ryanair also increase information technology, gambling and competition in the market as well. Ryanair also used satellite television and also try to reduce fuel consumption. Environmental: Ryanair has reduced noise pollution. It has used new technological system to reduce the noise. It also saves the environment from dangerous gases like greenhouse CO2 emission. Legal: Ryanair has followed the legal laws. It has removed the illegal subsidies from airport. Ryanair also claim illegal advertising on the airport. Forecasting Environmental change: Michaels porter generic strategy: Porters generic strategy explains about the cost advantage and differentiation focus. This technique is suitable for those companies who based on cost leadership and differentiation and focus. By using the cost leadership strategy ryanair got the competitive advantage and market leadership. Ryanair has earned very high profit in very short time period by using the low fares. Leadership strategy has given help to the customer for decision making. It has offered to the customer low fares and secondary to secondary flies by using the differentiation. Ryanair has purchases aircrafts not whole fleets but has given best customer service. Ansoffs matrix: Igor Ansoff focuses on the companys present and potential product /services and market situation. There are four possible combinations of growth that is existing product with new product, existing market with new market, market development and product development and diversification. Ryanair has attracted the market towards itself by using the pattern of low cost and reasonable fares. Ryanair has diversified its staff according to the different location and destination. Ryanair is trying to expand its business and developing the staff which will take it towards success. Bowmans strategy clock: Bowmans strategy clock explains competitive position of a company with comparison of competitors. We can analyse the problem and difficulties of Ryanair through this approach from last few years. There are eight different options which can describe the competitive position. These are as follows: low price, low added value, differentiated, hybrid and focus differentiated, increase standard or price, increased price and low value or standard price. From last few years ryanair has performed very affective changes due to its effective managerial system. Ryanair has earned very high profit in very short time by following the affective time schedule giving significant value on the development of Ryanair. National advantage by using techniques of Ryanair: There are different techniques through we can analyse the national advantage of ryanair. Porters five force model: By using the porters five force model, we came to know about the value and importance of the ryanair in Europe market. It includes threat of new entrant, threat of substitute, competitive rivalry, bargaining power of supplier hand customer. Threat of new entrant mean need high profit for coming in the market level and offer customers low fares. Its difficult high investment. It also need flight authorisation. Ryanair has threat of its substitute like ferries, Euro line, cars and rail services and many other substitutes as well. It has also threat from its customers it doesnt have loyalty brand, no switching of the prices, no close relationship with the customer. Air bus and Boeing are the two main supplier of the ryanair and the switch cost from one supplier to another is high because if they do this they need to retained their staff again. Ryanair has more competitive power rather than small airlines because they operate regional level in small airports but ryanair operates on bog airports. Ryanair has threat of its customers, if the prices are sensitive than customer can easily move to other airlines through online advertisement, booking and by offering good customer service so we cannot depend on the customers. Moreover, Price of the ryanair is the main competitive element to others. There is not much differentiation low cost prices to other airlines. As LCC is the high competitive market there are chances to do the same thing. In market there are many competitors they can competition with the prices and profits but in existing situation competitors cannot compete with dead to dead competition by choosing different service routes. SWOT Analysis of Ryanair: Swot Analysis describes the internal situation of the organisation. The main purpose of the SWOT analysis is to know about the strength, weakness, threats and opportunities of the organisation. It is also helpful to bring changes in the strategy of the organisation and came to know about the current the situation and where organisation standing and where it should have to be. Strengths: Ryanair has strong brand image and due to its strong brand image it has reduced the barrier of entry to new airports and has increased the barriers for new entrant. Ryanair is firstly low fares cost airline in the Europe and still maintained its image. London Stansted is the one of busiest aviation traffic zones where are bases of ryanair operationalsing. Ryanair is the innovative and has aggressive marketing quality. Ryanair has enhanced safety, higher fuel efficiency and properly income planning by offering low fares. Single aircrafts has help out in reducing training, maintenance and supervisory cost. Ryanair has reduced it labour cost by reducing by non-unionised it labour forced. Weakness: Negative press report, poor customer services has bad impact on the brand image of the ryanair. Ryanair have low level of trained personnel and also give low level of empathy and moral to the employees but ryanair need well trained craft personnel. If any new taxes are applied on new fares it become cause of misleading, wrong advertisement, misleading website become reason of sensitivity of ryanair. Mobile phones and gambling also not allowed during journey and it is discouraging the customers. Increase in the emission of CO2 and fuel consumption and it has bad impact on environment. Opportunities: If ryanair start better business routes and start new operation by doing merger and acquisition. If ryanair fulfil the EU market requirements then due to its low fare policy it can develop the economy growth and increase the employment opportunities. OPEN SKY agreement can help out to develop its business route and consolidation of low fares. It can attract middle class people for the travelling. Ryanair can also get new fleet on lease and it will be good source of earning. Threats: There many competitors in the market like LLC are direct competitor of ryanair which has affected the share market. Rich people and upper class people dont prefer low fare they want good and high class service so that is also threat for the ryanair. It can create problem to make decision in future. New rules and regulation can be threat for the ryanair, might be it can emphasis to increase the cost. Threat of war and bad weather can create problem in journey planners. Strategic capabilities of Ryanair: Strategic capabilities mean those skills and ability that help out to achiveve the stage of surveillance of market. It has two types. Resources Competences Resources: Threshold resources: Ryanair includes Flights, office equipment, head quarters, finance resources and employees. Core resources: Ryanair has also core resources which is CEO Michael OLeary. Competence : Threshold competences: It includes online banking system, operation of on time delivery, point to point routing. Core competences: Core competence of ryanair is low cost, no frill strategy and route policy strategy. All of these capabilities of the ryanair are the part of the SWOT. We can come to know about the resources of the ryanair and which core concepts and threshold are includes. It is also helpful in analysis of strategy of ryanair. Ryanair competitive advantage: Ryanair have competitive advantage because of its low fares, no frills, point to point fights, online booking, tickles boarding and no refund policies and many more. Except theses there are many reasons like marketing on airports, no cargo service, new air crafts, new fleets and ryanair have corporate partnership which is the reason of high productivity level. Ryanair also provide basic services during journeys. Conclusion and recommendations: At the end, in my point of view Ryanair should have to keep on its competitors which strategy techniques they are using like Virgin airline are using Bowman strategy clock so it should have to use it. Ryanair should have to offer high and good quality service with low prices through these customers will attract more. Yip and Johnson has appraised on their article Transforming Strategy that if the company is offering lower cost with the lower strategy has no work and cannot compete with their rivals. Ryanair has tried to hit the specific market like Ireland UK market by organise growth plans. Ryanair thinks that by increasing the quality service and routes from UK to Europe where the high cost service are available, it can increase the sales. Thus, Ryanair strategy low fare, good service , no frill strategy can make more profit and can increase their income level as well as they can bound in relation with the stakeholders customer and passengers.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
The Fruitless Pursuit of The Dalai Lama and Pope John Paul II Essay exa
The Fruitless Pursuit of The Dalai Lama and Pope John Paul II I. Introduction: â€Å"Glinting orange through the green creepers, the Kombi family's mud-hut is barely visible now. Alphonse Kombi was murdered by militiamen in February. His wife, Bimosa, watched them eat his heart before they raped her, neighbours say. The trauma drove her insane. Two of the Kombis' four children had already died of malnutrition. Then, a fortnight ago, a distant relative came to collect the two survivors - an emaciated eight-year-old and four-year-old†¦ ‘I have come to try to prevent these ones from dying," said Mr Kiyana, pointing to the two boney forms slumped on the ward's concrete floor. With their skin drawn tight over fragile bones, the children's ages and their sexes were almost impossible to guess.’†1 One can easily associate suffering with tragedies in third world countries like the story above. However, suffering is not only the physical abuse of victims; suffering is the psychological, emotional, and physical pain experienced by any being. This distress is not only a result of everyday activities, such as conversations that may or may not happen, suffering is a continuous presence despite what one may do to eliminate it. I believe that suffering is endless. Despite the efforts of influential men like the Dalai Lama or Pope John Paul II, suffering will still exist in several forms. If it was even possible to end the genocides that are taking place in countries like Tibet or Cambodia, suffering would still occur in my life, as I am separated from the ones I love or in my neighbor’s lonely and miserable life full of material prosperity. Therefore, although the Dalai Lama and Pope John Paul II have done much work towards this ultimat... ...it symposium. (United States of America: Fordham University Press, 1999) 34. 10 Cutler, Howard and the Dalai Lama, The art of happiness : a handbook for living (New York : Riverhead Books, 1998) 126. 11 Cutler, Howard and the Dalai Lama, The art of happiness : a handbook for living (New York : Riverhead Books, 1998) 114. 12 Cutler, Howard and the Dalai Lama, The art of happiness : a handbook for living (New York : Riverhead Books, 1998) 124. 13 Davidson, Richard J. Visions of compassion : Western scientists and Tibetan Buddhists examine human nature. (Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2002) 149 14 Piburn, Sidney, The Dalai Lama, a Policy of Kindness (New York: Snow Lion Publications 1990) 49. 15 United Nations. Dept. of Information. Pope John Paul II at the United Nations (New York : Dept. of Public Information, United Nations, 1980) 31 The Fruitless Pursuit of The Dalai Lama and Pope John Paul II Essay exa The Fruitless Pursuit of The Dalai Lama and Pope John Paul II I. Introduction: â€Å"Glinting orange through the green creepers, the Kombi family's mud-hut is barely visible now. Alphonse Kombi was murdered by militiamen in February. His wife, Bimosa, watched them eat his heart before they raped her, neighbours say. The trauma drove her insane. Two of the Kombis' four children had already died of malnutrition. Then, a fortnight ago, a distant relative came to collect the two survivors - an emaciated eight-year-old and four-year-old†¦ ‘I have come to try to prevent these ones from dying," said Mr Kiyana, pointing to the two boney forms slumped on the ward's concrete floor. With their skin drawn tight over fragile bones, the children's ages and their sexes were almost impossible to guess.’†1 One can easily associate suffering with tragedies in third world countries like the story above. However, suffering is not only the physical abuse of victims; suffering is the psychological, emotional, and physical pain experienced by any being. This distress is not only a result of everyday activities, such as conversations that may or may not happen, suffering is a continuous presence despite what one may do to eliminate it. I believe that suffering is endless. Despite the efforts of influential men like the Dalai Lama or Pope John Paul II, suffering will still exist in several forms. If it was even possible to end the genocides that are taking place in countries like Tibet or Cambodia, suffering would still occur in my life, as I am separated from the ones I love or in my neighbor’s lonely and miserable life full of material prosperity. Therefore, although the Dalai Lama and Pope John Paul II have done much work towards this ultimat... ...it symposium. (United States of America: Fordham University Press, 1999) 34. 10 Cutler, Howard and the Dalai Lama, The art of happiness : a handbook for living (New York : Riverhead Books, 1998) 126. 11 Cutler, Howard and the Dalai Lama, The art of happiness : a handbook for living (New York : Riverhead Books, 1998) 114. 12 Cutler, Howard and the Dalai Lama, The art of happiness : a handbook for living (New York : Riverhead Books, 1998) 124. 13 Davidson, Richard J. Visions of compassion : Western scientists and Tibetan Buddhists examine human nature. (Oxford ; New York : Oxford University Press, 2002) 149 14 Piburn, Sidney, The Dalai Lama, a Policy of Kindness (New York: Snow Lion Publications 1990) 49. 15 United Nations. Dept. of Information. Pope John Paul II at the United Nations (New York : Dept. of Public Information, United Nations, 1980) 31
Monday, November 11, 2019
Archeology Book Review
Bruseth and Turner’s book is highlights the finding of La Belle Ship wreck that happened thee centuries ago only to be excavated in latter years of twentieth century. The ship was owned by La Salle, a French renowned sailor who intended to establish a colonial in the new world.According to the evidence, Belle carried supplies that the new colony would need, especially in the early stages of establishment. The astonishing amount of artifact collected from La Belle’s resulted to a thesis that the founding was indeed an outstanding achievement that buried myths of what happened to the ship as well as filling the gaps on information missing in previous stories, something that could not have been achieved without such amount of evidence.Though deeply scholastic, the book is organized chronologically that is, in a story format and therefore allows those with interest in history and archeology to read and understand. To begin with, the authors have provided a backgrounder on L a Belle. Readers are therefore well prepared for information contained in subsequent pages.The background information on the ship and the owner further helps in understanding the importance of the wreck not just as part of archeological scholarship but also as part of American history.The authors then build up their story with research on what the world thought happened to the La Belle and eventually provide a vivid description of the excavations process. All these lead to keeping the reader well interested in reading further and therefore getting more informed regarding the story, archeology and its processes.Bruseth and Turner consulted a wide body of sources in their work. However, the greatest and most important sources are the millions of artifacts, including skeletons, collected from the wreck. Indeed, it is from these artifacts that Bruseth and Turner lead to conclusion that La Salle was well determined to establish a new colony in the New World.Pictures of the artifacts are contained and well explained. Bruseth and Turner have described maps of the route followed by La Belle. Sources from scholars have also been used especially in relation to perceptions of La Belle whereabouts. In addition, Bruseth and Turner and the company has beenReferenceBruseth, J. & Turner, T. (2007). A Watery Grave: The Discovery and Excavation of La   Salle’s Shipwreck La Belle. Collage Station: Texas A&M University Press.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
How to Convert an Adjective to an Adverb
How to Convert an Adjective to an Adverb How to Convert an Adjective to an Adverb How to Convert an Adjective to an Adverb By Mark Nichol How do you determine whether the adverbial form of an adjective should end in -ly or -ally? For most adjectives, the reason to use -ally, rather than -ly, is that you’re adding -ly to a noun plus the inflection -al, which forms the adjective, as in emotionally, musically, or traditionally. You’re starting with emotion, music, or tradition, converting the noun to an adjective (emotional, musical, or traditional), and then adding -ly. But this process isn’t consistent. The adjectival form of romance is romantic, not romantical, nor are academical or sarcastical adjectival forms. But you can distinguish these exceptions by noting that the noun form of these words is not the word minus -al; those forms are the adjectival ones, and the noun forms are irregular: Romantic is derived from romance, not romant; academic comes from academy, not academ; and sarcastic stems from sarcasm, not sarcast. A generalization is that -ally follows words that end with the letter c; however, the adverbial form of public is publicly, not publically, and there may be other exceptions. In addition, some words bereft of the letter c, like sentimentally, are anomalously constructed. Note, too, that other major parts of speech include words that end in -ly: for example, the nouns ally and bully, the adjectives friendly and lonely, and the verbs apply and supply. (Also, adjectives ending in -ly have no adverbial form.) To summarize, if an adjective ends in -al, append -ly to produce its adverbial form. If an adjective does not end in -al, attach -ly without inserting -al first to transform it into an adverb. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to use "on" and when to use "in"Hyper and Hypo45 Idioms About the Number One
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Mnemonic Devices
Mnemonic Devices Free Online Research Papers A mnemonic device can be defined simply as a learning or memory aid. Mnemonic devices are usually based on one’s learning style / ability. So they can either be visual, auditory or kinesthetic. Flocabulary.com notes that clearly there are two basic types of mnemonic devices â€Å"Those involving rhyme, and those involving a phrase where the first letter of each word stands for another word†. These two methods are known to be very effective in assisting and aiding memory. Although, the website continues to note that there a lot of different types of mnemonic devices like visual systems (where one creates a visual representation of the information), another one is the mnemonic link system (where an individual creates a story based on a list), the common peg system (where one would associate a number or numbers with a series of items/ situations), and last but not least the major system (where one would convert number into consonant sounds) Meaning I can summarize a visual mnemonic device can be anything from an apple to a zebra, the idea is an individual will relate a picture or an item they see, to an event, individual or place e.g. If one sees a picture of a zebra it will remind him of the details of his trip to Africa and he / she went on a safari and met his fiancà ©. An auditory mnemonic device can be anything from a poem to a song, ideally one will relate a song they’ve heard to a place they’ve been or a situation they have been through e.g. Frank Sinatra’s song New York New York, might remind a person of a concert he attended in New York City, where they saw something memorable. Now this would mean if there is a kinesthetic mnemonic device then a certain action would reminds an individual of a situation that happened or he witnessed, e.g. if someone was to remember how to unlock a puzzle, he would memorize remember a set of moves he used previously used for the puzzle. Research has clearly shown that in order for someone to remember information, It only becomes easier to remember the information one would have to first have to find it somewhere in your memory, whether an event or an item. If you want to be successful in school/ college or work you need to use active learning strategies that will help you store information and retrieve it. Mnemonic devices will definitely help you do that. The secret behind mnemonics is to code complex strings of information in a way that will be much easier to remember in the future. Two very common types of mnemonic devices are acronyms and acrostics. Acronyms are words that are made up of the first letters of other words. Acronyms usually assist you in remembering the first letters of items in a list, which in turn helps you remember the list itself. e.g. to remember the slogan/ mission and vision of our organization, I made up STEEL, which represented our motto as an organization, Safety First, Technology Leaders, Engineering Expertise, Emaratis Pride, Limitless Opportunities. Our company is known as Emirates Steel Industries. Acrostics are usually phrases that are made of words beginning with the first letter of other words. As mnemonic devices, acrostics support recall by helping you remember the list of keywords. e.g. I remember when we were kids, to memorize the colors of the rainbow, we were taught to sing Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain, which as Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo and Violet. It is why over the last few decades and probably century, scientist have been arguing and discussing about the types and components of the human memory, they did not agree on all but they all have agreed that the main three components of the memory are the sensory register, the working or shot term memory and the long term memory. In summary the sensory register is where information that is in its original unprocessed form goes, the information has a limited duration, which means when the information is sent there it is going to stay for long. The working memory is where most thinking is believed to occur. The working memory is where new information is believed temporarily stays will it is being processed. This part of the memory has a limited capacity, so it doesn’t hold very much info at a time. The final component of memory is long-term memory, it has unlimited capacity so it never runs out of room. The Long-term memory has a relatively long duration, but the exact length of time is indefinite. It could be a day, a week, or even a lifetime. Long-term memory is facilitated when one connects new information to something they already know. Information that is in long-term memory can weaken over time and may be forgotten if it is not used regularly. (associatedcontent.com) There are several ways one can improve their memory, two examples are :- Regular exercise This increases the amount of oxygen getting to your brain Helps reduce the risk for disorders that lead to memory loss, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Is known to enhance the effects of helpful brain chemicals and protect brain cells Good sleeping habits Sleep is necessary for memory consolidation. Sleep disorders like insomnia and sleep apnea leave you tired and unable to concentrate during the day. Research Papers on Mnemonic DevicesHip-Hop is ArtOpen Architechture a white paperThree Concepts of PsychodynamicAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaRiordan Manufacturing Production PlanMind TravelAnalysis Of A Cosmetics AdvertisementIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in CapitalResearch Process Part OneThe Project Managment Office System
Monday, November 4, 2019
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 10 QUESTIONS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS 10 QUESTIONS - Essay Example If there are adverse economic conditions affecting the business environment in one country, they may escalate and affect other countries and have a high chance of ending up adopting global proportions. Most of the smaller global firms might find themselves unable to adequately compete on the international market as a result of lack of enough resources. This might cause them to eventually be forced out of business. Political Risk is the risk that a business or individual’s investments could end up suffering a huge loss mainly due to a result of a country’s instability or political changes in a country’s legislative body, government, military control or other foreign policy makers. It is also commonly referred to as geopolitical risk, while economic risk is the risk that a country’s macroeconomic conditions like government regulations, exchange rates and political stability will affect a business entity’s investment in that country to be economically unsustainable as a result of its profit revenues not being sufficient enough to repay its debts and cover its every day operating costs. On the other hand, legal risk is the risk that a company’s business transactions will contravene the regulatory policies in a country or parties in a business contract are not able to enter into any business contract. Managers can manage political risks by better understanding the political uncertainties in a given country and employing the use of mitigation tactics like risk diversification, intellectual property safeguards and buying political insurance. A subsidy is a form of assistance made mostly by governments mostly in the form of tax deductions or cash payments, to businesses like producers and have the result of being distributed as subventions within a given industry with the intention of preventing the overall decline of that industry in the interest of the general public. 4. (TCO D) Despite its advantages, FDI has been described as an "expensive"
Saturday, November 2, 2019
To what extent should there be employee voice within the workplace and Essay - 1
To what extent should there be employee voice within the workplace and organisations - Essay Example Employee voice also helps the organizations to increase the overall performance level giving importance to the employees and creating an atmosphere where the employees can feel at home. It also helps to increase productivity and the quality of the products for a particular organization, as the higher authority appraises their employees and engage them to evaluate their performance (Marsden, 2009). Hereby, the prime objective of this study is to highlight the employee voice and its importance in today’s world. This paper would also include the present scenario of employee voice and how it is beneficial to the workplace of various organizations from an in depth view with illustrations. Employee voice is the practice where the employees or the workers have their right to put their opinions and to take part in certain decision-making activities. Employee voice includes employee’s behavior, attitudes, interests and openness among others. It helps an organization to be more stable and constructive which, in turn, leads to the overall development in the organizational productivity. It is worth mentioning in this context that employee voice is the process which enhances the performance of the employees to a specific extent. The employee voice not only includes all the employees, but also involves the various stakeholders related to the organization to effectively improve and manage the arrangements which already exist in the internal business environment. In other words, employee voice is the practice which satisfies the employee needs and assists an organization to implement various strategies with the help of opinions and viewpoints of the employees and manager s. In the present scenario, employee voice has become an integral role or part of the strategic improvement process implemented in organizations to enhance the quality of work and also to improve the relationship among the workers (Holley et al.,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Digital business snapchat Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Digital business snapchat - Research Paper Example At the end of this provided timeline or period, the videos or photographs become hidden from the devices used by recipients, as well as being deleted from Snapchat servers. As the new thing in the market, more people were using it evidenced by the company’s records whereby, as at May 2014, Snapchat application users were sending 700 million photos and videos on a daily basis. In addition, viewers of Snapchat content users towered over 500 million times on a daily basis. This high usage from customers is mainly due to the benefits that the application provides to its users. Furthermore, the application can work through various communication devices such as SmartPhones, thereby enabling privacy and security of the images and videos shared. The self-destruct mechanism set by the application on shared photos and images also ensures a high sense of privacy, as one cannot keep it long enough for it to leak to unauthorized persons. The sender has the option of selecting the people he or she wants to view his or her videos or photographs. As such, the sender determines the amount of time in which he or she wants his or her recipients to view the photos or videos before they self-destruct and delete completely from the application’s database (Bassiliades, 2014). A comprehensive SWOT analysis entails evaluating four major options in the business environment of the company. as for this case, a SWOT analysis evaluates the business environment of Snapchat since its inception to date, with regards to aspects such as S – Strengths, W – Weaknesses, O – Opportunities, and T – Threats. Strength refers to the factors or aspects that provide a competitive edge for the application. A weakness refers to the areas within its business environment that can create a loophole and diminish the returns on the business profits. An opportunity refers to new doors and chances that
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Image of the Native American Essay Example for Free
Image of the Native American Essay In this brief introduction, the image of Native Americans can perhaps be overly simplified that all Europeans treated them bad. That is not the case because many native people were friendly and wanted to share with their newfound friends. Somehow, the circumstances began to go wrong for some Europeans and natives. This essay will discuss three main points about the depiction of the natives and their relationship with the Europeans. A. Christopher Columbus story of dealings with the Native people in Hispaniola. B. Even Bradford discusses his first contact and the Indian’s aloofness. C. Additionally, the difference in the illustration of Native Americans compared to Columbus and Bradford. Unsurprisingly, Columbus made friends with some of the native tribes in Hispaniola, although many of his comrades resented his relationship with the native people. Those tribes did not show any antagonism or aggression towards the new arrivals in the beginning. Yet, the situation between the natives and the Europeans took a turn for the worst; the Europeans ordered them to relinquish all gold metal and to supply women from their tribes (Baym, 2008, p.24). As time passes, Columbus resurfaced in 1494 scrutinizing the untenable state of affairs of the natives forcefully submitting to an unruly and disagreeable group of settlers. This on-going problem with the Europeans brought no hope for the natives to establish a friendly and equal long lasting relationship. However, Columbus discussion of the problems in Hispaniola, were alike in various ways compared to Bradford’s account of the natives. Similarly, Bradford discussed their encounter with the Native American as fleeting in the beginning. Their search for other people like themselves proved unsuccessful because no other Europeans were in the surrounding area other than nearby Natives. Some Native people kept hiding or running away from Bradford and his party most likely having to do with earlier problems with infectious diseases (Baym2008, p. 64). As things began to progress for the Separates, some of their tools were stolen by the natives and was unable to retrieve them back until they met with a native that spoke a little English (baym, 2008, p. 68). This native was known as Samoset, who came directly into their place of dwelling and spoke have hearted English to communicate with the Pilgrims. Thereby, establishing an open relationship with the Natives, which brought a new beginning for â€Å"Thanksgiving†between the Pilgrims and native people through sharing and thanking God (Baym, 2008, p. 71). Nonetheless, the contrast was quite different in the â€Å"Contact and Conflict section†compared to Bradford and Columbus. Moreover, many Native Americans communicated and formed friendships with prominent leaders in the military. Military leaders such as Sir Jeffery Amherst and Henry Gladwin did not honor the same alliance the Natives had with the French because of their personal hatred (Baym, 2008, p. 207). However, this interpretation of the â€Å"Native American Contact and Conflict†(baym, 2008, p. 206) does differ from Columbus first contact and Bradford’s friendship with the natives. Despite the conflict with some of the high officials among the British military, the natives continued to remain friendly and neutral. Yet, the natives began conforming to the ways of the Europeans by reading and writing through Samson Aukom. As a result, he believed this would help his people to communicate effectively and have a closer relationship with God (Baym, 2008, p. 210). However, Pontiac dreamed his people had left their old ways and their French brothering for the new way of the British people. In Conclusion, the deceit and deception against the natives were not among all Europeans. A select few did not want the Native American people to live on the land the British wanted for the crown. Even the mutinous Spaniards tried forcing natives to submit, as slaves did not hold well with Columbus. Additionally, Bradford’s account reveal many times the native people could have been attacked, but later they were openly embraced to form long lasting friendships. Based on Nina baym’s account of the natives, not all native people were mistreated, but other Spaniards did mistreat some of the people. It was a time of curiosity and new territory for both sides, although they worked very hard to maintain their bond. Nonetheless, the relationship between the Native Americans has been rectified, although many died during a time of exploring and creating new foundations on both sides.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Management Information System: Virgin Trains
Management Information System: Virgin Trains MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM A management information system is actually a combination of hardware. Software and the people who use the hardware and software to manipulate the information within the organization. These sources are help in the collection, storage and retrieval of the data in the organization. The main function of the MIS is to store the information and to furnish it to the management whenever it is required. INFORMATION SYSTEM An information system is a systematic structure which is formed by the organization according to its convenience for the handling of the information. There are many elements which work together in the process of collecting, storing and processing of the data. A computer is physical equipment used in the MIS or in other words it is the hardware involved in the information system. The data which is mainly raw facts is not of any use so the data has to be processed the computer programs hence help in the processing of the raw data in order to make it useful for the organization The computer programs are the technological components of an information system. If the people of the organization have proper knowledge of the programs only then they will be able to process the information effectively in the organization. RELATION BETWEEN THE ORGANISATION AND ITS MIS The organization and its information system are inseparable. The organization is very much dependent on its information system. Whenever there is a change in the strategies, or the policies in the organization the information system also goes through a drastic change in the organization. The organizations present and future progress fully depends on the present a future functioning of its information system. Before the information systems affected only a small part of the organization i.e. some of the operational or the technical issues but at present the information systems affect the major part of the organization such as the decision making, strategy information, the products of the organization, the structure of the organization etc. Each and every part of the business is connected with its information system any change in the information system will affect the organization similarly any change in the organization will affect its information system. DIMENSIONS OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS ORGANISATION: In some of the organizations an information system is a major part of the organization. The information systems are a part of the organization only in some organizations which deal with financial services in such organizations the information system is the organization MANAGEMENT: The management is another dimension of an information system. The information system assists the Managers to take necessary decisions. The information system provides the managers with the tools to plan allocate and control work within the organization. TECHNOLOGY: The technology is one of the most important dimensions of an information system. The technology is what that helps the organization to have an updated information system in the organization which can cope up with the day to day changes happening in the business environment. TYPES OF SYSTEMS IN ORGANISATION There are many types of systems in the organization according to the different processes in the organization the various systems are Transaction processing system, decision support system, office system, knowledge work system. Transaction processing system: The transaction processing system involves all the activities which are related to the ordering, order taking, and order tracking. The order processing, trading of the securities etc. The transaction processing system helps in systematically carrying out all the above mentioned activities in the organization. Knowledge work system: A knowledge work system helps in connecting the different dimensions of knowledge within the organization. The knowledge work systems combine the Engineering department, the managerial department, the Human resource department etc the knowledge work system helps in combining different dimensions of the organization and to effectively complete the work by integrating the knowledge from all levels. Management information system: As seen before the management information system provides the manager with essential assistance. The MIS provides the managers with information relations to the sales management, the inventory control, the decision support system the management level provides the management with the analytical models and the data analysis tools which would help in the semi structured and unstructured decision making activities. Executive support system: The executive support system provides the assistance to the management at a very higher spectrum. It helps the management with the functions such as the sales trend forecasting, budget forecasting, personnel planning etc so the executive support system helps the management to make decisions in these key areas. All these above mentioned systems are interested with one another. The process done by one system helps the other system to carry out its work. The process by one system acts as a base for the activity that has to be carried by the other system in the organization. The decision support system and the executive support system often use the information obtained from the transaction processing system and the management information system. Some systems also obtain data from the outside for carrying out its activities the knowledge work systems and the decision support system use the information such as the stock market information from the outside and design supplier information. DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM The decision support system mainly helps in taking the structured and unstructured decision making in the organization. The decision support system uses information from both the transaction processing system and the management information system. The decision support system provides the management with the advanced analytical tools and data analysis tools which help in analyzing the data in a much wider spectrum and take the decisions much more effectively. The decision support system is much more advance than the Executive support system because the decision support system uses much more advanced analytical tools such as the linear programming or forecasting. TRANSACTION PROCESSING SYSTEM Transaction processing system is one of the main systems of the MIS and the transaction processing system has five more systems Sales or marketing systems: The sales or marketing system mainly provide all information related to the market. It provides information about the product pricing, the promotion of the product, the system of the sales commission, the market research and the predicting of the market and the demand for the products etc Manufacturing and production systems: Manufacturing and productive systems provide all information regarding the inventory, the movement of the inventory, the procurement of the inventory. It also maintains data related to the manufacturing operations of the organization and the quality control activities related to the organization Finance and accounting systems: Finance and accounting systems provide all information related to the financial activities of the organization. All the information of the day to day activities of the financial transactions are stored, analyzed and retrieved whenever it is required. Many activities such as budgeting, general ledger, funds management etc are carried out with the help of this system. Human resource systems: The human resources systems take maintain the information relate to the each and every employee in the organization. All these informationà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s are used for providing the employees with the compensation and other benefits. It provides help in various areas of human resource such as payroll functions, compensation, training and development of employees etc. CHANGES BROUGHT IN BY MIS IN ORGANISATIONS The information systems are growing and achieving various levels of improvement day by day. There is new MIS hardware and softwareà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s which are being invented and hence there are lots of changes occurring in the organization. Due to the information systems the layers of the management has been reduced as a result of that there is a proper flow of information in the organizations. The organizations have become much more flexible in their functioning. The flattening of the organization is one distinct feature through which the decision making of the line workers has also increased and so this has lead to the increase in the work satisfaction of the employees as the management span of control has broadened. CHALLENGES INVOLVED IN BUILDING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING INFORMATION SYSTEMS The strategic business challenge encourages us to realize that we must be able to use information technology to design organizations so that they are competitive, effective and digitally-enabled. The globalization challenge facing us is that we must ascertain how firms can understand the systems requirements of a global economic environment. The information architecture and infrastructure challenge is that we must be able to help the organization develop an information architecture that is able to support the company goals when both the business conditions and the technologies are changing so rapidly. The information systems investment challenge is for us to know how the organization can determine the business value of systems. Finally, the responsibility and control challenge is for us to understand how organizations can ensure that their information systems are used in an ethically and socially responsible way. ETHICAL ISSUES RELATED TO MIS End-user development refers to the development of information systems by end users with minimal or no assistance from professional systems analysts or programmers. This is accomplished through sophisticated user-friendly software tools and gives end users direct control over their own computing. Advantages include improved requirements determination, realizing large productivity gains when developing certain types of applications, enabling end users to take a more active role in the systems development process, many can be used for prototyping, and some have new functions such as graphics, modeling, and ad hoc information retrieval. Disadvantages include not being suited for large transaction-oriented applications or applications with complex updating requirements, standards for testing and quality assurance may not be applied, and proliferation of uncontrolled data and private information systems. End-user development is suited to solving some of the backlog problem because the end users can develop their needed applications themselves. It is suited to developing low-transaction systems. End-user development is valuable for creating systems that access data for such purposes as analysis (including the use of graphics in that analysis) and reporting. It can also be used for developing simple data-entry applications Policies and procedures to manage end-user development include the following: The organization must establish sufficient support facilities for end-user computing: information centers or distributed end-user computing centers. Training and support should be targeted to the specific needs of those being trained. End-user application development should not be allowed to be undertaken randomly but should be incorporated into the organizations strategic plan. Management should develop controls over end-user computing in the following areas: Cost justification of end-user information system project. Hardware and software standards for user-developed applications. Company-wide standards for microcomputers, word processing software, database management systems, graphics software, and query and reporting tools. Quality assurance reviews that specify whether the end-user systems must be reviewed by information systems and internal audit specialists. Control for end-user developed applications covering testing, documentation, accuracy, and completeness of input and update, backup, recovery and supervision. Critical applications that supply data to other important systems should be flagged and subjected to more rigorous standards. ANALYSIS OF MIS AT VIRGIN TRAINS The company which is taken for this study is the Virgin trains. The virgin trains belong to the virgin groups. This private railway has done a reinforcement of its information system. It has fully transformed information system to provide better service to its customers and also to carry out its business processes effectively. The main aim of the company is to provide its employees, customers and other stake holders with the maximum benefit through various management information tools. GENERAL OBJECTIVES The general objective of the virgin trains is to have an advanced information management system. The aim of this system is to have a strong IT infrastructure. Virgin aims to maintain to facilitate both the employees and also the customers in all its business activities by having an a good information management system backed up by advanced technology. HALCROW The reinforcement of the technology at Virgin trains has been done by Halcrow. It is an organization which provides the organizations with solution to maintain their information at Halcrow they have combined cutting edge information technology skills along with front line Railway management skills to provide a very effective and efficient management information system. I.T STRATEGY USED BY VIRGIN TRAINS The main strategy which virgin trains is adopting now is to revamp its entire information system process, feasibility studies of the information system which is implemented is carried out, also the risk involved in the system has also been analyzed . It is now concentrating to effectively maintain its marketing information. in order to do that areas like warehousing commercial data, data analysis, warehousing and using click-stream data are given more importance. As a part of its IT transformation Virgin trains has also transformed some of its systems such as the Train planning and scheduling data, on-train monitoring and reporting systems data. MIS AT EACH LEVEL OF VIRGIN MIS IN CUSTOMER SERVICE Virgin has lots of facilities which help the customers with the booking of ticket. There are many facilities like the mobile ticketing platforms, chip and pin units to Bluetooth based equipment for onboard payments. These are the devices used to maintain the services provided to the customer through advanced MIS tools provided by Halcrow. MIS FOR THE MANAGEMENT The MIS used for the management to carry out its activities is designed by Halcrow. Virgin uses the MIS solution that was framed by Halcrow to maintain activities like recruiting, Decision making, financial management etc. This MIS also helps to improve reporting around areas such as on-train shopping patterns. The MIS provided by the Halcrow also interfaces with the CRM system which is written in .NET so this helps the Virgin trains to have a good CRM with its customers. MOBILE ROLL OUT Virgin is currently finalizing trials for a roll out of handheld devices. These devices will be given to the drivers of the trains and these devices are equipped with Vodafone supplied PDAà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s. This device helps the drivers by replacing the paper based materials and would help in effective handling of the information. HARDWARE USED FOR THE MIS AT VIRGIN HP is the main supplier of all the hardware devices used at virgin for MIS. Citrix supplies thin-client Technology for applications such as rail operation systems. SOFTWARE SUPPLIERS FOR MIS AT VIRGIN The main provider of software to the MIS at virgin is Microsoft and Capgemini has also been one of the key suppliers of softwareà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s for the system. SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGHT The virgin trains have a lot of potential for improving its processes. As mentioned before it is doing a revamp of all its MIS processes this puts the Virgin trains in an advanced stage and also in a strong position to face its competitors. WEAKNESS The maintenance of the system is very expensive and the company aims to get a full return on all the investments made by it on IT. Any failure of any system which is currently being used will become a great weakness to the organization. since most of the processes are being experimented still. OPPORTUNITY As mentioned before the revamping of the IT processes at the virgin is a greater opportunity for the organization to rectify the shortcomings of the old system and to have an effective new system. THREAT Since most of the data used by virgin trains is dependent on electronic data any minor fault in the system would cause a threat to the entire system of virgin trains. CONCLUSION In this project we have seen briefly about MIS and its function in an organization. The Virgin Trains is taking MIS to a whole new level by investing firmly in its IT and also experimenting with its new systems which are going to be implemented. We saw how the use of MIS facilitates the organization on all angles of the business.MIS helps not only the organization but also its stakeholders and it helps the organization to achieve its objective in a very short period. REFRENCE: Wendy R. (1997) Strategic management and information system, 2nd edition, pitman Mcleod.R, Schell.G.P, Management information system, 2007, Pearson Education Inc, New Jersey, Pp (8-15). Web: CIO interview virgin train, [online] verified on http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2010/06/02/241427/CIO-interview-Virgin-Trains39-IT-remains-on-the.htm (accessed on 18/07/2010) Web: Rail data management and management information systems, [online] verified on http://www.halcrow.com/Areas-of-expertise/Rail/Data-management-and-management-information-systems/ (accessed on 19/07/2010)
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