Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Animal Agriculture Persuasive Essay - 1747 Words
About a year ago, I asked myself a question why am I not a vegetarian? After all, I am one of the green kids. I grew up with my vegetarian dad in a small town. I even joined a club called â€Å"Tree Huggers†. I knew that eating a mere hamburger a day could increase my risk of dying by a third. I knew that the 10 billion animals we raise each year for meat are raised in factory farmed conditions that we hypocritically wouldn’t even consider for our own cats, dogs and other pets. I knew that I was not alone, we as a society are eating twice as much meat as we did in the 50s. So, what was once the special little side treat now is the main course much more regular. What if I told you, that we can change our world through our food choices. The fact†¦show more content†¦Antioxidants and thousands of phytochemicals that protect the body and support good health. Overall vegetarians have a longer life expectancy and lower rates of heart disease, high blood pressure, typ e 2 diabetes, cancer, obesity, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and the list goes on. But don’t just take my word for it, supports for vegetarian diets comes from numerous organizations including the American cancer society, American College of Cardiology, the Mayo Clinic, Harvard School of public and, the national institutes of Health which says, â€Å"Vegetarians may be missing out on grilled hamburgers at picnics, but they tend to also miss out on the major health problems that plagued many Americans†. Just look at the difference in heart disease the number one killer of American, which is twice its size, between those who eat meat and those who are vegetarian. The progression of some of the diseases can not only be halted but reversed in as little as just two to three weeks by switching to a plant based diet. Reducing and eliminating the consumption of meat and meat products with a greener diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts seed and whole gra ins will lead to a healthier world. Secondly, the earth; it’s not only the health of our bodies that is at stake it’s the health of our planet. This is what we are facing now at critical levels climate change and global warming, deforestation, depletion of our resources, soil erosion, species and habitatShow MoreRelatedPersuasive Essay On Animal Agriculture1786 Words  | 8 Pages Animal agriculture is the leading cause of species extinction, water pollution, habitat destruction, and other issues (Center for Biological Diversity, 2014). How could this be? This is because about 94% of the US population are meat eaters and the industry does not tell you what happens behind their closed factory doors: the industry is the leading cause in both resource consumption and global warming, their meat can cause diseases that can be prevented, and the industry abuses their animals.Read MoreThe Obligation to Endure Essay1388 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The discovery of agriculture was the first big step toward a civilized life.†(Arthur Keith) Civilization began with agriculture, and agriculture continues to be an integral part of our lives. Civilization brought knowledge, knowledge brought technology, and technology brought chemicals and pesticides to â€Å"improve†our world. â€Å"The Obligation to Endure†is an excerpt from Rachel Carson’s â€Å"Silent Spring,†a passionate and masterful work on the results of civilization’s efforts to control pestsRead MoreGlobal Warming1050 Words  | 5 PagesTake a position: Global warming is a real problem. 1000 word Essay. 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The third and final section described Pollan’s experiences in becoming a pseudo-hunter-gatherer, along with such topics as animal rights and the many mysteries of mushrooms. Through his witty humor and calculating logic, Pollan makes a compelling case about the present of our food system and its troublingRead MoreSelf Reliance Essay1678 Words  | 7 Pagesupon old ideas of Romanticism, Unitarianism, and German Idealism. Some of these ideas pertained closely to the values of America at the time. These values included nature, individualism, and reform, and can be noted in the essay â€Å"Self Reliance,†by Ralph Waldo Emerson. In this essay, Emerson states his values and incorporates them into his philosophy of self-reliance. In the past 170 years, some of the ideas stated by Emerson in his literary work â€Å"Self-Reliance†have weathered the test of time. HoweverRead MoreAlexander Gibbs. 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This ordering of arguments allows the reader to understand the current situation from which the authors speak, and further grasp the concepts the authors distil into their argument. The article uses the previously discussed introductionRead MoreProper Precedent Under International Law1679 Words  | 7 PagesUnited States - COOL Requirements holding is proper under the similar Clove Cigarettes dispute. Part II of this essay offers background information about GATT, the WTO and the TBT agreement. Part III provides information and facts about the Clove Cigarettes dispute. Part IV provides information and facts about the COOL Requirements dispute. These facts are then analyzed in part V and the essay is concluded in part VI. II. GATT, WTO, AND THE TBT AGREEMENT The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (â€Å"GATT†)
Monday, December 23, 2019
The Confederate Wins and Losses - 643 Words
On April 12,1865 Confederate warships bombed the union at Fort Sumter in South Carolina and this marked the beginning of one of the worst and deadliest wars fought in the world. It was a war that only lasted around four years but yet took 620,000 of our brothers, sisters, and children with it. Families were torn apart, sons had lost their fathers, mothers lost their sons, and whole towns lost every man they had to give. A war that we fought on our land, a war that made brother fight brother, killed almost as many men as every war America has fought since combined. At First the Union believed they were going to fight at least a couple battles and it would all be over with, but oh was the Union wrong. They under estimated the wholeheartedly fighting Confederate soldiers, the Confederates were not going to give up that easily what they needed, what they wanted, and their way of life. Between the battle of Fort Sumter a Confederate victory and the First battle of Bull Run anther Confeder ate victory, there were nine other smaller battles many not large enough to truly be called a battle. Of those nine battles three were won by the Confederates and two were inconclusive. At the first battle of Bull Run, the Union still believed that this is going to be a very short war, they believed it so much that spectators came and lined the sides of the battlefield to watch the Union smash the Confederate Army. Of the spectators most were just common folk or people near that community, butShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of Gettysburg : Why Was It A Turning Point?1272 Words  | 6 Pagesfree and slave states over the power of the national government to prohibit slavery in the territories that had not yet become states. The South then promptly seceded, and formed a new nation, the Confederate States of America. In the late spring of 1863, the Civil War was into its third year. Confederate General Robert E. Lee had just defeated a Union force twice its size. After a few months, Leeâ €™s army was crossing the Potomac River about eighty miles northwest of Washington D.C. and was marchingRead MoreShort Summary Of The Battle Of War1124 Words  | 5 PagesHood started out by having Brown and Cleburne to attack Wagner’s line of 3000 men. Wagner’s men were guarded by fieldworks put up before the Confederates had arrived, but since they were made in haste, they quickly collapsed. Wagner’s line let out a single volley of rifle fire before turning around and retreating to the main line. The Confederates were on the heels of the fleeing Federals, so the defending Federals couldn’t fire in fear of hitting their own. This inability to shoot caused a weakRead MoreThe Lost Cause : The Lost Cause Of The Civil War1572 Words  | 7 PagesSouth had lost the Civil War in every conceivable way. The fact of the matter is, however, the South did win in one respect: it won the war of memory. Confederate flags fly in the state of Ohio, a state that was staunchly Union in the 1860s. In Washington, a state that did not exist during the Civil War, there is a highway that honors the President of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis. Confederate monuments have been erected around the United States since the Union victory and have recently startedRead MoreWhy the South Lost the Civil War1696 Words  | 7 Pages The Civil War was not the defeat of a hopeless rebellion. The Confederates had legitimate opportunity to win independence, but they failed to capitalize on it. The South’s chances at victory were not remote; rather they could expect to win. The ultimate cause of the South’s failure was a lack of aggression in all aspects. The two times the Confederates attacked the North at Antietam and Gettysburg, the results were catastrophic because of a lack of strategy. An offensive plan of war does not necessarilyRead MoreThe Battle Of Bull Run1172 Words  | 5 PagesThe Battle of Bull Run, or First Manassas to the Confederate States of America, was the first major battle of the Civil War. The battle would be a rude wake up call for everyone entering the war. This paper will explore the various details of the battle, including its importance. The Battle of Bull Run occurred on July 21, 1861 approximately three months after the start of the war. It took place in Prince William County, Virginia. To be more specific, nearby the town of Manassas and the river knownRead MoreThe Battle Of Gettysburg And A Website Article From The New World Encyclopedia1320 Words  | 6 Pageswhen certain tactics were used on a cartain day of the battle, and the aftermath of the battle. One limitation of the content is that it is slightly biased toward the Union. The values of this article are that it provides maps to support where the Confederates attacked from and where the Union made its tactics for each day. The article also provides information on each attack, such as the number of troops and the time that these attacks took place. One limitation of the article is that there is no authorRead MoreAmerican History : The Battle Of Gettysburg1213 Words  | 5 Pagesof these can compare when it comes to the amount lives lost or importance to the outcome of the war itself as the Battle of Gettysburg; the three day engagement fought between the North-bound men of Robert E. Lee’s confederates and the union soldiers under Meade’s command. Confederate General Robert E. Lee was in the midst of a campaign that was focused on sending a war to the North and hopefully making Northern politicians pull their support from the fighting. After victory at ChancellorsvilleRead MoreJefferson Davis And The American Civil War1285 Words  | 6 Pages secretary of war and president of the Confederate States of America for the duration of the American Civil War (1861-1865). Prior to the start of the war, Davis had argued against secession, but when Mississippi seceded he resigned from the U.S. Senate. In February 1861 he was elected president of the Confederacy states. Davis faced difficulties throughout the war as he struggled control and manage the Southern war effort, maintain control the Confederate economy and keep a new nation together andRead MoreMilitary Leadership : No Control Group Exists1518 Words  | 7 Pageslike General George McClellan who built the Union army in the early stages of the war but was a lethargic and fearful field commander who seemed incapable of gathering the courage to assertively take on Confederate General Robert E. Lee, an American soldier best known for commanding the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia; others are indicted on being too reckless. Shelby Foote, an American historian and novelist, describes the massacre on Gettysburg by Major General George Pickett, proclaimingRead MoreThe Battle Of The Civil War1163 Words  | 5 Pagesrights and slavery even spurred the division of the country and by the time of Lincoln’s official inauguration into Presidential office on March 4, 1861, 7 southern states had already decided to secede from the Union. Those 7 states started the Confederate States of America, run by their own President, Jefferson Davis. This same issue was the catalyst for the Civil War which started on April 12, 1861. One of the major and well-known battles of the Civil War was the Battle of Gettysburg. It was on
Sunday, December 15, 2019
Why Do I Want to Become a Teacher Free Essays
All of my experience for the past 10 years since I have been in USA led me to realizing that I am passionate about teaching and working with children. I migrated to this country from Slovak Republic right after graduating from Comenius University with the major in Biochemistry. Being only 22 years old I wanted to experience some adventure before getting the regular 9-5 job at some Research Laboratory. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Do I Want to Become a Teacher or any similar topic only for you Order Now I signed up for a Summer Program with YMCA and came to Poland, Maine as a summer camp counselor. The environment was just beautiful. These little wooden cabins located on a beautiful Lake Sebago. That’s where my passion for working with children began. I was spending that summer with kids who were coming from broken and low income families from outside of Boston. I was responsible for a group of young girls, 7-10 years old. I and the girls bonded really quickly. Every day was different. Different fun, different drama, different atmosphere. And I loved every minute of it. I loved being creative with all kinds of activities, I loved being a leader who the girls looked up to and we had tremendous fun. I felt like I was making a difference in those children’s lives. At least for those few summer months those girls felt safe, nurtured and cared for. And I felt fulfilled and useful. After few years working in customer service I returned back to working with children. This time I took on a nanny job. I again experienced creating a strong bond with the boys I was taking care of. Their parents were divorced and the boys were switching between the two households each week. I felt that I brought a sense of calm and peacefulness to their lives. I lead them through their homework, different projects, we did all kinds of activities but most importantly we were having good and memorable time. Once they got older and got busier with their school and afterschool activities I had more time on my hands so I took it a step further and started tutoring chemistry and science. That`s where I felt the strongest fulfillment. To see my students succeed was the biggest satisfaction and I immediately knew that I wanted to become a teacher. I think teaching is adventurous, challenging, exciting job and personally very rewarding career. Working with students, every day is different; there is no room for routine or boredom. I am passionate about science and I want to share my knowledge with students. I have to say that I came a long way. It took me little longer than it takes other people to figure out â€Å"what do I want to be†but I feel positive and happy about my decision and cannot wait to step into a real classroom as a new teacher one day. How to cite Why Do I Want to Become a Teacher, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Invisible Essay Summary Example For Students
Invisible Essay Summary Word Count: 376A hero is considered to be any man noted for feats of courage or nobility of purpose; especially, one who has risked or sacrificed his life. This describes one of the main characters in the highly acclaimed novel, One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest, by Ken Kesey. Randle McMurphy is the hero of this novel because he stood firmly against oppressive powers, showing courage and ultimately paying with his life. There were no heroes on the psychiatric ward before McMurphys arrival. Nurse Ratched wielded supreme power. No single patient had the ability to stand against the injustices to which they were subjected. McMurphy united these patients. He gave them collective courage and a sense that they could resist their persecutor. For example, Harding states, No ones ever dared to come out and say it before, but theres not a man among us that doesnt think it. That doesnt feel just as you do about her and the whole business-feel it somewhere down deep in his scared little soul. Not o nly did McMurphy unite his friends, the patients; but he understood the enemy, the staff. He recognized the ultimate authority and oppressive power of those in charge of the psychiatric ward. He also knew that to resist them would put himself at great personnel risk. McMurphy, however, took the risk and defended his fellow patients. For example, McMurphy says to the black boy who is harassing George, I said thats enough buddy. McMurphy knew this confrontation would have harsh consequences, but he took the chance. In fact McMurphy took one too many chances. This heros end comes when he lashes out at nurse Ratched, blaming her for the death of Billy Bibbit. McMurphy demonstrated his feeling for Billy by his emotional reaction to his death, First Charles Cheswick and now William Bibbit! I hope youre finally satisfied. Playing with human lives-gambling with human lives-as if you thought yourself to be God! This outburst results in McMurphy having a lobotomy and later dying. In conclusio n, Randle McMurphy lost his life courageously defending the other patients. McMurphy had several chances to save himself, but chose instead to stay and help his fellow patients. McMurphy is a true hero and his acts of bravery and selfless behavior prove this.
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