Monday, August 24, 2020
How to Conjugate the French Verb Passer (to Pass)
Instructions to Conjugate the French Verb Passer (to Pass) Which means to pass, the French verbâ passerâ is a simple one to recall and the conjugations are not very troublesome, either. French understudies who have contemplated other ordinary - erâ verbs will discover this exercise moderately easy to follow. Before the end, youll be acquainted with the essential present, past, and future tenses of this exceptionally normal action word. The most effective method to Conjugate Passer Conjugations are utilized in French similarly they are in English. We add certain endings to the action word stem to shape the different tenses. This causes us utilize the action word appropriately and structure total sentences. Sinceâ passerâ is utilized in numerous typical statements, its critical to retain the conjugations. To start, well glance at the demonstrative action word state of mind, including the present, future, and blemished past tenses. These action word conjugations are shaped by addingâ the ordinary - erâ endingsâ to the action words stem ofâ pass-. Utilizing the diagram, coordinate the subject pronoun of your sentence with the proper tense. For instance, I am passing isâ je passeâ while we will pass isâ nous passerons. Have a go at rehearsing these in setting to help in remembrance. On the off chance that you need some ideas,â passerâ is utilized in numerous colloquial articulations that youll find valuable also. Present Future Defective je old fashioned passerai passais tu passes passeras passais il old fashioned passera passait nous passons passerons interests vous passez passerez passiez ils passent passeront passaient Passerâ and the Present Participle Theâ present participleâ ofâ passerâ isâ passant. This was framed by including - antâ to the action word stem. Not just canâ passantâ be utilized as an action word, in certain settings it might likewise be a modifier, ing word, or even a thing. Passer in the Past Tense The defective is the past tense, however its additionally normal to utilize the passã © composã © in French. This requires the development of a short expression that utilizes the helper action word à ªtre and the past participle passã ©. Assembling it is very straightforward: utilize the subject pronoun, conjugateâ ã ªtreâ to the current state, and join the past participle. For instance, I passed isâ je suis pass㠩â and we passed isâ nous sommes passã ©. More Conjugations of Passer As you manufacture your French jargon, you will discover other fundamental structures ofâ passerâ useful. For instance, on the off chance that you wish to communicate that the activity of passing is dubious, the subjunctive action word state of mind is utilized. Essentially, in the event that it is reliant on something different additionally happening, you will utilize the contingent action word temperament. In uncommon cases, you may experience the passã © straightforward or the blemished subjunctive. While different structures ofâ passerâ should be your need, these are acceptable to know too. Subjunctive Contingent Pass Simple Flawed Subjunctive je old fashioned passerais passai passasse tu passes passerais passas passasses il old fashioned passerait passa passt nous interests passerions passmes passassions vous passiez passeriez passtes passassiez ils passent passeraient passrent passassent You will utilize the basic action word state of mind when usingâ passerâ in shortâ commands and requests. When utilizing it, avoid the subject pronoun, soâ tu passeâ is disentangled toâ passe. For the expression Pass it! you will say Passe-le ! Basic (tu) antiquated (nous) passons (vous) passez
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Movie Essays - Jane Campions Film of Henry Jamess The Portrait of a L
Jane Campion's Film Version of Henry James' The Portrait of a Lady Jane Campion's film adaptation of Henry James' tale, The Portrait of a Lady, offers the watcher an explicitly charged account of a youthful gullible American young lady in Victorian period Europe. James' tale centers around what an energizing internal life may accomplish for the individual driving it even while it [a individual's life] remains splendidly typical (James 54). James couldn't or would not put into his account the sexual musings, proposals, and activities of his characters past the primary flush of the experience. For instance, when Caspar embraces Isabel and kisses her close to the end of the novel, Isabel does communicate sexuality, yet that sexuality is brief: He frowned at her a second through the sunset, and the following moment she felt his arms about her and his lips all the rage. His kiss resembled white helping, a glimmer that spread, and spread once more, and stayed; and it was phenomenal as though, while she took it, she felt every thing in his hard masculinity that had least satisfied her, each forceful actuality of his face, his figure, his essence, advocated of its extreme personality and made one with this demonstration of ownership. (James 636) This section, similar to each other entry in the novel, that manages male-female contacting or kissing closes as it is perused. James doesn't permit his characters to review their sexuality. Dorothea Krook calls attention to: To talk about James' treatment of the sexual subject in The Portrait of a Lady would be for all intents and purposes unimportant, however for the striking scene among Isabel and Caspar Goodwood in the absolute last pages of the book (Krook 101). The sexual topic in Campion's film form of James' epic isn't negligible. Campion not just permit... .... 1881. New York: Penguin, 1986. Jones, Laura, adjust. The Portrait of a Lady. By Henry James. Dir. Jane Campion. Videocassette. PolyGram, 1997. Nadel, Alan. The Search for Cinematic Identity and a Good Man: Jane Campion's Apportionment of James' Portrait. Henry James Review 18.2 (1997): 180-183. Volpe, Edmond L. James' Theory of Sex. Twentieth Century Interpretations of The Portrait of a Lady: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Diminish Buitenhuis. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, 1968. Walton, Priscilla L. Jane and James Go to the Movies: Post Colonial Portraits of a Lady. Henry James Review 18.2 (1997): 187-190. Wexman, Virginia Wright. The Portrait of a Body. Henry James Review 18.2 (1997): 184-186. White, Robert. Love, Marriage, and Divorce: The Matter of Sexuality in The Portrait of a Lady. Henry James Review 7.2-3 (1986): 59-71.
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Objection to Deceptive Advertisement
Objection to Deceptive Advertisement Objection to Deceptive Advertisement Home›Marketing Posts›Objection to Deceptive AdvertisementMarketing PostsThe whole idea of an advertisement is to manipulate a person into desiring a product they previously did not care much about. Many consumer advertisements do not actually give real facts about the product, but rather aim at altering the lifestyle of the audience, by creating a new self image. Deceptive advertisement, as this form of advertising is called, is not a good trend and should be appropriately controlled by the relevant mechanisms.Generally, the consumer holds the advertiser in high esteem and as such, expects nothing short of honesty in the message delivered. The belief that advertisements are rich sources of information is captured in results of several studies carried in the past. According to studies spanning from 1974 to 1989, the majority or 70% of the consumers trust advertisements (Coulter, Robin A. 2001).If the confidence that the consumer has regarding a particular product is lost, regaining the same level of trust is next to impossible. Most of these advertisements use weasel words or practice what is referred to as puffery in order to draw customers. Examples of such advertisements are “Omo, the most powerful detergent†and “…help control acneâ€.This practice is seen to be harmful and unethical towards the consumers, who consequently turn to defensive reactions towards any further advertisement. Deceptive advertisement is a direct contradiction of the first of the three moral principles of advertisement, which is the upholding of truthfulness at all instances. As Peter R. Darke and Robin J.B. Ritchie (2007) say, deceptive advertising triggers these self protective reactions through biased systematic processing and biased heuristic processing.Generally, consumers perceive all the information emanating from the advertiser as whole some truth. However, if they do not get the desired results from the product, then the adver tiser can be deemed to have failed the limit of moral behavior.
Thursday, May 21, 2020
A Biblical Look At Marriage Essay - 1323 Words
Just recently Newsweek magazine produced an article which attempted to make a scriptural argument in favor of homosexual marriage. Space would not allow for one to deal with all of the errors that the writer makes in regard to biblical text. If nothing else, it demonstrates the ignorance that many people have in understanding God’s word. It also shows how far people in the media have moved away from fairly and reasonably dealing with a biblical issue. Thus, the article is aimed at proving that conservatives are wrong in maintaining that biblical marriage is between a man and a woman. The article begins by arguing that the Bible does not give any clear pattern of what biblical marriage is really like. The writer seeks to prove her†¦show more content†¦Having moved from this wrongheaded conclusion, the article makes another ridiculous assertion. â€Å"Scripture gives us no good reason why gays and lesbians should not be (civilly and religiously) marriedâ€â€and a number of excellent reasons why they should be.†Scripture is replete with verses that teach otherwise. As a matter of fact, the Bible calls it an abomination in Leviticus 18.22. While we are not under the old covenant, the principle remains and is reinstituted in the New Testamentâ€â€many scriptures echo these same sentiments. Next, the writer asserts that â€Å"Jesus never mentions homosexuality, but he roundly condemns divorce†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Again, this is not true. Jesus condemns it by implication in Matthew 10.15 when he says, â€Å"Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Day of Judgment, than for that city.†This verse teaches that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were subjected to a horrible judgment as a result of their sexual immoralityâ€â€something that is very apparent to any student of the Holy Writ. As this article moves from misinterpretation to falsehood, it attempts to completely discount the validity of Old TestamentShow MoreRelatedThe Biblical Perspective Of Marriage851 Words  | 4 PagesMarriage is discussed on 47 different occasions within the NIV Bible. The word marry is used 48 times throughout the NIV. The majority of these words are used in the Old Testament in Leviticus where God’s clear and concise instructions were given to the Hebrew people about what was deemed unclean and what was to be done to be clean. 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I believe that same sex marriage should be legal because couples should be able to show their commitment to each otherRead MoreAn Argument Against Same Sex Marriage981 Words  | 4 Pagesthe topic of same-sex marriage and presents them in the transcripts titled â€Å"An Argument against Same-Sex Marriage: An Interview with Rick Santorum†and â€Å"An Argument for Same-Sex Marriage: An Interview with Jonathan Rauch†. Masci interviews two people with completely different stances regarding same-sex marriage. He interviews Rick Santorum, an ex-senator and devout Christian, who is against same-sex marriage then Jonathan Rauch, a gay rights activist, who is for same-sex marriage. Santorum and RauchRead MoreThe Definition Of Marriage And Family Relationships Essay1260 Words  | 6 PagesWhat is the defin ition of marriage in the Bible? Better yet what is the definition of family in the Bible? 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This subjugation is of the homosexual community, as most states ban same-sex marriage and refuse to even recognise it. Opponents of same-sex marriage state several reasons as to why it should not be permitted, however, these argumentsRead MoreDoes Opposition to Interracial Marriage Constitute Racism? 983 Words  | 4 Pagesoverturned a ban on interracial marriages in Loving vs. Virginia, deeming a ban on interracial marriage unconstitutional. That ruling affected sixteen other states with similar laws on the books immediately rendering the laws null and void. There may not be laws in effect that ban interracial marriage, but interracial marriage still has its fair share of opposition. Many groups and organizations strongly disagree with people of different races being joined in marriage. It was just last month whenRead MoreCultural Diversity Of The Jewish Community949 Words  | 4 Pageswedding ceremonies, it is the iconic events that occur within the Bible that is used as the origins of wedding ceremonies for the Jewish community. In order to establish a correlation between the origins of Jewish marriages to the modern practices of Jewish wedding ceremonies, we must take a look at what a wedding ceremony consist of for the Jewish people. The wedding tradition begins a week prior to the actual wedding where the bride and groom are separated, where they cannot see each other until theRead MoreAnthropology: Marriage and Divorce879 Words  | 4 PagesAnthropology: Marriage and Divorce God in the Garden of Eden performed the first marriage. Adam and Eve, both made in God s image, were joined together by God and commanded to be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth (Genesis 1). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Tactile Communication On The Human Resource...
One type of nonverbal communication is haptics. Haptics refers to the study of communication by touch (Anonymous, 2012). According to Anonymous, 2012, â€Å"touch is necessary for human social development, and it can be welcoming, threatening, or persuasive.†The meaning of a simple touch differs between individuals, genders, and cultures. It is important for the Human Resource Manager (HRM) to recognize these differences in order to improve communication and be effective in the workplace. Tactile communication can help or hinder business and employee interactions. A firm handshake might be interpreted as confidence or credibility while other physical touches such as lingering touch on the shoulder, might be seen as being intimate (Anonymous, 2012). However, a pat on the shoulder or arm might help initiate interactions and show inclusion and respect. Proper knowledge of tactile differences among employees have important implications on how interactions unfold and relationsh ips established. The implications of tactile communication or touch is important to know not only as a HRM but as an employee working in a diverse workplace. Since we communicate a great deal through touch, there are benefits by being knowledgeable about this type of nonverbal communication and the differences among various ethnic groups. Benefits for the HRM as well as managers include respect, trust, an effective communicator, and better employee relationships. Additionally, understanding haptics enablesShow MoreRelatedDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words  | 1617 Pagesmymanagementlab is an online assessment and preparation solution for courses in Principles of Management, Human Resources, Strategy, and Organizational Behavior that helps you actively study and prepare material for class. Chapter-by-chapter activities, including built-in pretests and posttests, focus on what you need to learn and to review in order to succeed. Visit to learn more. DEVELOPING MANAGEMENT SKILLS EIGHTH EDITION David A. Whetten BRIGHAM YOUNG UNIVERSITY Read MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesexperience and understanding and provided the field with an imaginative resource to address the dynamics between theory and practice. Dr Susanne Tietze, Bradford University, UK The key to success for managers is not only to be result oriented but also to be wise in their decision making. This requires that they have a deeper than superficial understanding of management and organization issues. McAuley et al. helps student and managers understand organizational performance without having to go through
Nectar in a Sieve Free Essays
D AP World History Theme Analysis Our world is impacted by many things. Social structures, politics, economics, the environment, and our interactions affect how we live. They create the history of our world. We will write a custom essay sample on Nectar in a Sieve or any similar topic only for you Order Now In Nectar in a Sieve, many of these themes are represented. Gender roles and relations have always had an impact in societies. Men often believe they have the upper hand over women. It shows in the way females are treated. When Rumi was married to Nathan, she had to leave her family and go to his land. He didn’t have to live where show comfortable or on a neutral territory. Young women are often uprooted from their family and rarely see them again. When Ira had a child out of wedlock, she was looked down upon by many. However when a man does the same, there is no judgment and criticism. Nate impregnated Kunthi twice yet Rumi took him back without a problem (p. 84-85) Agricultural and pastoral productions are the center of life for millions of humans. The same can be said for the characters in Nectar in a Sieve. In the village, farming is how most survive. They live off the land. Without the land, there’s no income or food. They sell their crops, give their profit to the landlord, and save a portion of the crops for their families. Rumi and Nathan grow a variety of crops. When nature doesn’t work in their favor, their lives become difficult. Often the crops are ruined by droughts. During these times everyone struggles to survive. Rumi’s family became malnourished when the rains didn’t deliver. Her son, Kuti died from starvation. p. 99-100) The importance of the land is shown when they lose their land and homelessness is forced upon them. (p. 130-135) Land represented hope for Rumi. (p. 132) Without agriculture, the villagers would not survive. Trade and commerce is one of the main ways humans gain what they need. In Nectar in a Sieve, trade controls who has what and who survives. The tannery is the center of commerce. Villagers come to buy and bargain. As the year s past, Rumi watches the tannery change, for worst in her opinion. It becomes harder to sell, trade, and buy because the economics of village change as new people move in. The tannery is looked at as the place of money so two of her sons get jobs there. Rumi resents the tannery because it represents change that she feels is not needed. Although themes look complicated on paper, they fit perfectly into our world and the world in Nectar in a Sieve. Male and females have double standards. Agriculture is the basis of life and survival in the village. Trade and commerce help villagers make money and get necessities to survive. These themes translate into real life. How to cite Nectar in a Sieve, Papers
Saturday, April 25, 2020
Racial and ethnic inequalities as a social problem
There has been a raging debate about the definitions of a social condition and a social problem. Some researchers have also likened these two concepts despite the distinction between the two concepts. A social condition is a condition regarded by some people as bad while a social problem is a condition viewed by everyone as bad.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Racial and ethnic inequalities as a social problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Leon-Guerrero defines a social problem as â€Å"a social condition or pattern of behavior that has negative consequences for individuals, our social world, or our physical world†(8). Race and ethnicity is among the major social conditions that exist in the contemporary society. It occurs as a result of increased international migrations across the continents and intermarriages between different communities in the world. Leon-Guerrero outlines two perspectives of defi ning of race namely the biological and the sociological perspectives. Race from a biological point of view is defined as a group or population that shares a set of genetic characteristics and physical features such as religion, skin color or species. However, sociologists such as Michael Omi an Howard Winant regard race as a concept signifying and symbolizing social conflicts and interests by referring to different types of human bodies (Leon-Guerrero 67). Racism is the belief by individuals that certain racial or ethnic groups are inferior and that discriminatory practices against them are justified (Leon-Guerrero 70). Discriminatory practices can be classified as individual or institutional. Individual discrimination includes actions against minority members by individuals whereas institutional discrimination is practiced by the government, social institutions and organizations and it includes segregation, exclusion or expulsion. Racial and ethnic inequalities affect an individual and the society in different ways including the socioeconomic position of an individual or of the society. Income and wealth of an individual is determined by the social class to which he or she belongs. In the United States, the measure of income and wealth is home ownership since it enables families to invest in their future. After the Second World War, the rate of White middle-class home ownership grew steadily as compared to the Blacks and other minority groups who were denied access to home ownership through discrimination and low income. A research by Hudson et al also suggests that â€Å"it is possible that experiences of racial discrimination could, in part, diminish the effects of increased socioeconomic position among African American men†(134). The racial and ethnic inequalities also determine the type of education that various individuals in the society would like the children to have. Gagnà © and Tewksbury, as quoted by Leon-Guerrero, argue that â€Å"schools have become economically segregated, with the children of middle or upper class families attending predominantly White suburban schools and the children of poorer parents attending racially mixed urban schools†(79). Thus it is evident that racial and ethnic inequalities have an indirect impact on the family income and wealth which in turn dictates the education system that their children would undergo.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Racial and ethnic inequalities have a profound impact on the health of an individual or the society at large. Leon-Guerrero quotes Gabard and Cooper who argue that â€Å"although race may be a social construct, it produces profound biological manifestations through stress, decreased services, decreased medications, and decreased hospital procedures†(80). The health institutions have put in place a system that discriminates against th e racial and ethnic minority group members. Some researchers have gone further to specify how discrimination is related to health. After an analysis and comparison of the relationship between racial discrimination and health-related outcomes, Benjamins argues that â€Å"discrimination was most strongly related to depression and was less consistently associated with physical health and health behaviors†(16). Racial and ethnic inequalities also have consequences on individuals who leave their country of origin to move to another. The security systems always target immigrants of ethnic and racial minority and they are associated with crime since they are believed to be illegal immigrants. The history of social problems is identified through a subjective process according to Malcom Spector and John Kituse who outline four stages of the subjective process (Leon-Guerrero 12). The first stage, which is defined as the transformation process, involves taking a private or personal pro blem and transforming it into a public issue. The transformation is done by an influential group, activists or advocates who call attention to and define an issue as a social problem. The second stage is known as the legitimization process which is concerned with formalizing the manner in which the social problems or complaints generated by the problem are handled. This process involves creation and implementation of policies to respond to the social problem. The third stage is the conflict stage that involves readjustment of the formal response system, renegotiation of procedures, reforming practices and engaging in administrative or organizational restructuring. The fourth and final stage begins when groups believe that they can no longer work within the established system. Advocates or activists of the social problem are faced with two options which are either to radically change the existing system or to work outside the system (Leon-Guerrero 12). Most social problems in a commu nity, society, or a global social system are caused by the inequality in the distribution of resources. Some individuals or organizations in the community have more income, power and prestige than others.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Racial and ethnic inequalities as a social problem specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This group of people develops vested interests in maintaining or even increasing their resources and therefore they come up with laws, ideologies, customs and informal norms which are viewed as legitimate by the whole society. As a result, they are able to maintain and control the available resources and block other low class individuals who may want to rise up the ranks. This yields frustration on the part of the majority low class individuals who must struggle to access the resources thus creating conflict. Leon-Guerrero explains that â€Å"conflict theorists focus on how the dynamics of racial and ethnic relations divide groups while maintaining a dominant group defined by ethnic and racial categories or social class†(71). Marxist theorists argue that immigrants form a backup labor force that performs jobs that native workers no longer perform. This group of individuals provides a cheaper labor source that easily secures employment during economic growth and easily lay off during economic recessions. Conflict develops when higher paid native workers struggle to prevent importation of cheaper nonnative labor so as to maintain their advantage in the labor market. According to Edna Bonacich’s theory of antagonism, â€Å"the presence of a cheaper labor group threatens the jobs of higher paid workers and the standard for wages in all jobs. Under these conditions, the two groups of laborers remain in conflict with each other while the interests of capitalist business owners are maintained†(Leon-Guerrero 72). Works Cited Benjamins, Maureen R. â€Å"Compar ing Measures of Racial/Ethnic Discrimination, Coping, and Associations with Health-related Outcomes in a Diverse Sample.†Journal of Urban Health (2013): 1-17. Print. Hudson, Darrell L., et al. â€Å"Are Benefits Conferred with Greater Socioeconomic Position Undermined by Racial Discrimination among African American Men?†Journal of Men’s Health 9.2 (2012): 127-136. Print. Leon-Guerrero, Anna. Social Problems: Community, Policy, and Social Action. (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press, 2011. Print. This essay on Racial and ethnic inequalities as a social problem was written and submitted by user Ryker Mcknight to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
Bilingual Education Vs. English Only Essays - Linguistic Rights
Bilingual Education Vs. English Only Essays - Linguistic Rights Bilingual Education Vs. English Only The Debate Between Bilingual Education and English Immersion Programs Bilingual Education is defined as any school program that uses two languages. In a more theoretical sense it is any educational program whose ultimate goal is for the participants to be fully versed in all facets of both languages (i.e., able to listen, speak , read, and write in both languages). The definition of a coordinated, developmental bilingual approach has emphasized the goal of being equally fluid in both languages. Realistically, this has not been the goal for most K-12 bilingual schools in the United States. More commonly in the United States we are using the words bilingual program to describe a program that will provide literacy and content in the primary language, while building English fluency, to the point where all instruction will occur in English. These programs are label transitional bilingual programs as their ultimate goal is to transition all students into an English only learning arena. One of the down sides of these programs is that they are not maintenance (development)bilingual programs which are designed to preserve and develop students primary language while they acquire English as a second language. Bilingual Program Models All bilingual program models use the students' home language, in addition to English, for instruction. These programs are most easily implemented in districts with a large number of students from the same language background. Students in bilingual programs are grouped according to their first language, and teachers must be proficient in both English and the students' home language. Early-exit bilingual programs are designed to help children acquire the English skills required to succeed in an English-only mainstream classroom. These programs provide some initial instruction in the students' first language, primarily for the introduction of reading, but also for clarification. Instruction in the first language is phased out rapidly, with most students mainstreamed by the end of first or second grade. The choice of an early-exit model may reflect community or parental preference, or it may be the only bilingual program option available in districts with a limited number of bilingual teachers. Late-exit programs differ from early-exit programs primarily in the amount and duration that English is used for instruction as well as the length of time students are to participate in each program (Ramirez, Yuen, & Ramey, 1991). Students remain in late-exit programs throughout elementary school and continue to receive 40% or more of their instruction in their first language, even when they have been reclassified as fluent-English-proficient. Two-way bilingual programs, also called developmental bilingual programs, group language minority students from a single language background in the same classroom with language majority (English-speaking) students. Ideally, there is a nearly 50/50 balance between language minority and language majority students. Instruction is provided in both English and the minority language. In some programs, the languages are used on alternating days. Others may alternate morning and afternoon, or they may divide the use of the two languages by academic subject. Native English speakers and speakers of another language have the opportunity to acquire proficiency in a second language while continuing to develop their native language skills. Students serve as native-speaker role models for their peers. Two-way bilingual classes may be taught by a single teacher who is proficient in both languages or by two teachers, one of whom is bilingual. ESL Program Models ESL programs (rather than bilingual programs) are likely to be used in districts where the languageminority population is very diverse and represents many different languages. ESL programs can accommodate students from different language backgrounds in the same class, and teachers do not need to be proficient in the home language(s) of their students. ESL pull-out is generally used in elementary school settings. Students spend part of the school day in a mainstream classroom, but are pulled out for a portion of each day to receive instruction in English as a second language. Although schools with a large number of ESL students may have a full-time ESL teacher, some districts employ an ESL teacher who travels to several schools to work with small groups of students scattered throughout the district. ESL class period is generally used in middle school settings. Students receive ESL instruction during a regular class period and usually receive course credit. They may be grouped for instruction according to their level of English proficiency. The ESL resource center is a variation of the pull-out design, bringing students together from
Monday, March 2, 2020
What Did You Do This Summer College Interview Question
What Did You Do This Summer College Interview Question When answering a college interview question about your summer activities, no one is expecting you to be busy every day of the year. Summer is indeed a time to recoup after a busy academic year. Students who treat summer like an 80-hour-a-week job are setting themselves up for burn-out. That said, your interviewer will want to see that you did something productive in the summer. Youll want to show that you seek out meaningful and enriching experiences. A question about your summer activities has similarities to a question about what do you do in your free time. Summer, however, is a lot more substantial than a few free hours on the weekend, so your interviewer is going to be looking for something meaningful that youve accomplished during those months off from school. Strong Answers to a Question About Your Summer Activities Your answer to the question, of course, is going to depend entirely on what you did in the summer, but work to identify a few meaningful activities from your summer break before you set foot in the interview room. Some activities that will sound good to your interviewer include: Travel. Did you go somewhere interesting? A national park, historic site, cultural center, or some other destination that expanded your world view or opened your eyes to new experiences?Reading. Your interviewer wont want to hear that you spent the whole summer indoors with your face buried in books, but they love to hear about reading. Students who read a lot tend to do well in college. You may even find that your interviewer asks you to recommend a good book. Work. Whether you helped on the family farm or cleaned dishes at the local eatery, students who work reveal a level of maturity and responsibility that will impress the admissions folks. Your summer may not be as exciting as a trip to Europe, but colleges truly do value work experience.Entrepreneurship. This could be related to work, but youll certainly make a good impression if you started your own lawn mowing business, developed a useful app, or did something else that reveals creativity, confidence, and motiv ation.Volunteerism. Community service and volunteer work play an increasingly important role in the college admissions process, and summer is the ideal time to do meaningful volunteer work. Education. Did you attend a summer engineering or creative writing camp? Did you take a class at the local community college? Needless to say, colleges want to enroll students who like to learn. Weak Answers to a Question About Your Summer Colleges will want to see that youre not the type of student who lets three months go by without doing anything productive. Answers such as these are not going to impress anyone: I built a really cool world in Minecraft. Good for you, but realize that a lot of students fail out of college because they give video games priority over all else; three months staring at the computer screen represents a rather anti-social- even if multiplayer- and unproductive use of time. I was burned out from school, so I relaxed. For three months? Also, dont highlight academic burn-out in your college interview. Sure, it happens to most students, but such an answer also sends a message that you get overwhelmed by school work. This isnt what you want to tell a college admissions representative.I hung out with my friends. Having friends is good. Colleges want to admit friendly students who build meaningful relationships with others. But what exactly did you do with your friends? Develop this reply to explain the meaningful activities you did with your friends. Ideally, you did something more productive than cruise the local shopping mall. The list could go on, but you get the idea. Answers that suggest you let the summer slip by without doing anything to enrich yourself or help others arent going to impress anyone. A Final Word About Summer Activities Your answer to the question will obviously be unique to your own interests and activities, and thats largely the point here- make sure you are telling your interviewer about summer experiences that have helped make you the person you are. Show that when you are given the time, youll do something meaningful and productive. In short, show your interviewer that youre the type of interesting, curious, hard-working, motivated person who will contribute to a campus community in positive ways.
Friday, February 14, 2020
Role and Functions of Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Role and Functions of Law - Essay Example These interests could be domestic, societal, cultural, economic and political. However, if this pursuance of interests is not governed by agreed upon conventions, precedents, rules and regulations, the society will unexceptionally end up being subject to anarchy and disorder. Hence, it is the institution of law that ushers in decorum into the personal or collective pursuance of interests, thereby ushering in a sense of order that nourishes society and extends to it a chance to get organized and fair. Besides, for any society to work in an ordered manner, it is essential that its affiliates uphold the social norms in all the spheres of their life. Though most of the people living in a society are conversant with the social norms cherished by it, still there will always be a substantial proportion of people who will evince a predilection to negate social norms and understanding in the pursuance of personal satisfaction. So, law is one viable social instrument that could be relied upon to make people stick to relevant social norms (Tamanaha, 1999, p. 250). In that context law stands to be an upholder and protector of social norms and expectations. Codified law makes it amply clear to the people as to which acts pursued by them stand to be acceptable and which ones are illegal and reprehensible. It is also a known fact that disputes tend to be an integral aspect of social, cultural, political and economic interactions. Again it is the law that facilitates methodical procedures for the resolution of disputes. Law also brings in a sense of certainty and stability into any society’s social, cultural, economic and political life, thereby allowing for a scope for growth and development. However, it does not mean that law stands to be a static and vegetative institution. Law does allow for change and also assures that the requisite change is accomplished in an organized and stable manner. It is only law that assures just and fair societies which not only serve a p rivileged few, but rather look after the interests of the aggrieved, weaker and sidelined sections of the society. Law also helps the societies to arrive at and maintain a delicate balance between the powers of the state and the rights of the individuals and groups (Commerce Powers, 2012). Law also makes way for the establishment and execution of the requisite penalties in the instances of the breach of law. Hence, it would not be wrong to say that law is one salient and essential social pillar. In the free market economies, the rules and regulations sanctified by the business law do play an important part in ensuring the right business environment. Again, as already mentioned, in the sphere of business also, law helps in a pragmatic resolution of disputes between two or more business entities (Strier, 1994, p. 193). In business, it is again the law that sets the standards of acceptable behavior for the businesses and firms. It also needs to be mentioned that law protects the nation al and global business environment from being manipulated by a powerful few, by being a protector of ethics and morals (Commerce Powers, 2012). Personally speaking, my role as a professional field service technician is subject to many legal norms and regulations. While serving my customers, it is imperative for me to assure that the services rendered by me happen to be as per the standards, criteria, and safety features set by the related federal and state rules and regula
Sunday, February 2, 2020
The project of creating Windows as the driving force for Microsoft Essay
The project of creating Windows as the driving force for Microsoft Corp - Essay Example allowed it to come into the market of software for personal computers and in a great extent to create this market. So project of creating Windows became the driving force for Microsoft Corp. The most efficient structure is when activity of the organization consists of project, and every project consists of operations; in this case some projects may be endless. Project managers define human, technical, financial and other resources they need for their projects; then all these needs are summarized and put to the organizational plan and budget. So needs of the projects determine organizational needs and priorities. Also it often happens that very important goals of organization (i.e. new market penetration, getting a state construction contract, getting a software development tender) depend on projects. Sometimes a successful project can save a company from a bankruptcy or irretrievably crush competitors. Project may not be an organizational driving force when it contradicts the organizational goals or is badly planned and doomed to failure. In this case the project draws human, time, technical, financial and other resources from the organization and gives nothing instead. For example, IBM spent a lot of time and effort on development of operating system OS/2, but the project was not successful. IBM is the greatest hardware vendor, but it failed with operating system development. The human factor is important because... The project manager must be able to exert interpersonal influence in order to lead the project team. By Hendrickson, the project manager often gains the support of his/her team through a combination of the following: Formal authority resulting from an official capacity which is empowered to issue orders. Reward and/or penalty power resulting from his/her capacity to dispense directly or indirectly valued organization rewards or penalties. Expert power when the project manager is perceived as possessing special knowledge or expertise for the job. Attractive power because the project manager has a personality or other characteristics to convince others. (Hendrickson, 1998, chap.2) So I will use these issues in my relations with the team. The members of the project team must work together, whether they are assembled from different divisions of the same organization or even from different organizations. Some problems of interaction may arise initially when the team members are unfamiliar with their own roles in the project team, particularly for a large and complex project. These problems must be resolved quickly in order to develop an effective, functioning team. Also I need to explore two important subjects: why the previous project manager was so popular and why the project is about to fail in spite of the great love of the team to him. Maybe his management style was too soft and democratic and work conditions were too hothouse. If so, I would say to the team, "Guys, it was very good, but now it's finished. Let's work together, and let's work hard, because it's the only way for our company to survive. I don't need your love, I need the work done." Also it may be good decision to rebuild
Friday, January 24, 2020
Essay --
"Every responsible person understands what is in products such as hamburgers and fries, as well as the consequence to one's waistline, and potentially to one's health, of excessively eating those foods over a prolonged period of time†(Wald, 2003). This was a statement made by McDonald’s lawyers in 2003 during a court case in which McDonald’s was being sued for their failure to inform people of the nutritional value of their food. The vast majority of overweight or obese people in the United States have gotten that way due to a lack of care when it comes to the foods they eat, specifically fast food. The negative effects of fast food on health is widespread knowledge in the United States, but most people choose to ignore it and doing so has resulted in America being labelled as the ‘fattest country’ in the world. Some of these negative effects include a recent surge in obesity in both children and adults, food addiction that people are not aware that they have, and life-altering weight related sicknesses and diseases. A major player in these and many other negative things has been the fast food industry as a whole. The fast food industry has had a tremendous effect on the economy of the United States over the past 30 years. Over a short period of time, the amount of money Americans spend on fast food has increased dramatically. In 1972 Americans spent $3 billion on fast food, and in 2003 $110 billion was spent on fast food (Ingram, 2005). It has been shown that Americans spend more on fast food than many recreational activities that you would typically imagine to cost more. Annually, Americans spend more on fast food than movies, books, magazines, videos and recorded music combined (Schlosser, 2005). Even in an economic recession... ...Obese people are bringing a variety of preventable hardships onto themselves by eating fast food, but they are not able to stop eating it due to its addictive nature (Brownell, 2004). Not only does fast food have no nutritional value, but it does more harm than good for you (Carmona, 2007). After people stuff themselves full of fast food, two hours later they are starving again, which results in them wanting more fast food. This is a vicious cycle in America that must be broken soon, because as the numbers of overweight and obese people rise, so does the number of people dying unnecessarily early deaths due to the effects of fast food. If people start moderating their fast food intake and paying more attention to things such as calorie information, the amount of obese people in America will decrease, and so will the number of deaths, resulting in a healthier nation.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Adultery in Madame Bovary vs Story of Zahra
Adultery committed by women in many societies is considered a sin as well as an act of betrayal towards their families and towards their husbands. In Flaubert’s ‘Madame Bovary’ and al- Shaykh’s ‘The Story of Zahra’ both the protagonists, Emma and Zahra, commit adultery in order to run away from harsh realities of their lives. Emma commits adultery in order to escape the boredom of married life with her husband Charles as well as to seek true love which can only be found in the fantasy novels she has read. Zahra, on the other hand, commits adultery in order to forget her turbulent years of childhood, to deal with the ongoing inertia of her life and to flee the harsh realities of the ongoing civil war. However the impact it has on both the protagonist and the people around them are quite different which reveals their contrasting personalities as well as the distinctive societies they live in. One of the most important aspects of adultery committed by Emma and Zahra is what impact it has on themselves. Mesmerized by her lover Rodolphe, even though she is married to Charles, Emma decides to have an affair with him. Her thoughts during their intimacy were â€Å"she reveled in it without remorse, without disquiet, without anxiety†. This shows that her act of betrayal has not affected her one bit. In fact, she believes that her adulterous ways has made her lifelong dream come true; not to mention that it has also made her distorted vision of love and happiness come true. She never spoke of marriage to her lover and we see no sign of Rodolphe taking care of her. Emma received bliss from her adulteries with Rodolphe which shows her selfishness as well as her inability to care for her husband. Furthermore, once Emma started an affair with Rodolphe, the relationship between these two becomes stronger than ever and which results in them becoming inseparable lovers. However, she fails to realize that she has been manipulated for her lover’s personal gains and this leads her to a path of self-destructiveness. Although found in a similar situation, the impact it has on Zahra differs entirely. Dealing with a very turbulent childhood, where she witnessed as well as experienced her father’s brutality, she falls in love with a married man, Malek. As time progresses, the relationship between them grows stronger. Their relationship comes to a stage where the thought of marriage arises. As Zahra says very little during their relationship, his refusal to marry her had little effect on it. Her thoughts after having committed infidelities with him were â€Å"I thought I could influence him; that was my delusion. He would lift my skirt casually, not even bothering to undress me completely before making love to me. All at once I would be filled with disgust and contempt. †Unlike Emma, Zahra actually loved her aficionado and even asked him to marry her. This shows her attachment towards him and how much she cared for him even though he married to another woman. However, once Zahra started committing adultery with him, her attitude towards him changes radically. She realizes that he does not love her at all and deceives her into having sex with her by explaining how women should be treated equally to men whilst penetrating her virginity. The adulteries committed by the protagonists of these two novels not only have an impact on them, but it has also impacted their husbands with whom they vowed to cherish the rest of their lives with. Emma kept her adulteries with other men so secretive that it was not until her death when her husband, Charles, would find out about her infidelities. He would one day stumble across the letters from Rodolphe. After reading them, he would reflect on what was written to himself â€Å"He endeavored, however, to bring himself into a devotional frame of mind, to buoy himself up with hope of a future life, in which he would see her again†. This demonstrates that even though Emma had deceived him during their marriage, he still loved her and even wanted to spend another lifetime with her. The letters do have a big impact on him as he lives and dies in seclusion during the latter years of his life, but the fact that during his last days he lives his life the way Emma did shows his emotional attachment towards her as well as how she was mortifying him even though she was dead. On the other hand, Majed, Zahra’s husband, finds about her past affairs while she was alive. As Majed and Zahra are married, he believes that he must now make love to her in order to make himself happy. When he does make love to her, he sees that while he is penetrating her there is not one drop of blood from Zahra. This vindicates the fact that Zahra is not a virgin. â€Å"Not one drop of blood. I did not ask for a sea of blood, I would have settled for one drop, but could only cry out as if in trance, â€Å"Curse Woman! Daughter of a Cursed Woman†. Unlike Charles, Majed is livid about Zahra’s illicit affairs. He abuses her and even threatens to blackmail her family about the sins she has committed. He believed that since Zahra came from a good family, marrying her will earn him and his family some much needed respect. Instead, the situation has become worse as now people in his community will remember him as the man being married to a woman who was not a virgin at the time of her marriage. We get this impression that Zahra has no value to him. This is because in Muslim culture, a virgin woman is a sign of purity and hence if a man marries such a woman, he is deemed a life of prosperity and happiness. In this case, Malek married a girl who is not free of abstinence before marriage which means that nobody will give him or his wife or their families the same amount of respect had Zahra been a virgin. The contrasting societies in which these two protagonists live are also very important as the adulteries committed have a lasting impression on their respective societies. When Emma is having her affair with Rodolphe, one day he insists that they go horse riding together for her well-being. Emma is not too keen; however due to Charles’ lack of awareness about the situation, he urges her to go with Rodolphe for the sake of her health. â€Å"I really don’t care how it looks! Said Charles, turning on his heel. Health comes first! You’re making a real mistake. †As women were victims of a male dominated society in nineteenth century France, the role they played in society was minimal (being confined to their houses and playing the role of honorable wife and mother). Emma clearly rebelled against these customs and did engage in deeds which were deemed scandalous in those times. However, her adulterous ways had little impact as far as society is concerned. This is because the Bourgeois society was deemed as sham, with little or no morals. It vindicates the fact that no-one in this particular society neither cares what other people do and hence brings a question over their self-dignity as well as the values imposed by society on its people. On the other hand, the society in which Zahra lives is a very conservative one and the impact the adulteries have is a strong one. When having their affair, Zahra and Malek meet in cafe where no one can see them in order to escape glances from people in their society. â€Å"He pays for coffee in that cafe frequented by only those afraid to be seen together in public†. Unlike in Madame Bovary, reputation and dignity in the community plays a very important role in The Story of Zahra. Here, we can see that society considers these people as outcastes, thus making life extremely difficult for them. To conclude, the reactions Emma and Zahra they receive from committing adultery are different and hence those reactions have very different impacts on them and on their respective societies as well. Thus, our attitudes and perception towards adultery vary according to protagonists. Zahra, who sees life in reality, is devastated and shattered once the impact of adultery, strikes her. This is what most people will be able to relate to and thus we have sympathy for her. On the other hand, Emma, who lives her life in fantasy, is unscathed by the impact of adultery and this gives an impression on the readers that she is too self-absorbed to care about others which makes her a very difficult character to like for the readers. Ironically, it is Emma Bovary who is represented as the modern woman, seeking happiness in a male-dominated society through whatever means possible.
Wednesday, January 8, 2020
Globalization Has Destroyed the Middle Class Essay
The world is not a large and strange place anymore. The world is a place that is interconnected and intertwined. The world has become from a place that each country and their peoples are separate and isolated to a place that each country and their peoples are part of a global network. Thanks to globalization this is occurring. Globalization is the ‘international integration†or ‘de-bordering’ – â€Å"a number of highly disparate observations whose regular common denominator is the determination of a profound transformation of the traditional nation-state†(Von Bogdandy 2). Globalization is connecting different people from different cultures and backgrounds together. More and more corporations are entering new foreign markets to sell their†¦show more content†¦Lila Rajiva used another perfect example in her article to show how globalization affects both the environment and culture of the native people. Hyundai built a factory in a small town in India. Since the factory opened, water has scarce for miles around the factory. Thanks to the scarcity of water, the local population doesn’t have water to cook, drink or bathe (Rajiva 2). Not only it is an inconvenience for the locals, it is a â€Å"death sentence†for them (Rajiva 2). From a brutal scorching dry summer, there was a death toll in the thousands (Rajiva 2). This occurred because they didn’t have enough water to survive. In this example Globalization disrupted the way of life of these people. Farmers didn’t have water to irrigate their crops. Also, thousands of people lost their lives because of globalization. These people would have been alive, if not for the greed of these corporations. In the state of Kamataka, globalization also ruined the lives of the native population. In this state, small farmers â€Å"committed ritual suicide to express their outrage at the destruction of their lives by multinational†(Rajiva 2). Th ese farmers’ lives were completely ruined thanks to globalization. These corporations’ practices and operations pushed them out of business. The farmers had no chance to compete because of the deals and benefits these corporations receive. CorporationsShow MoreRelatedGlobalization Has Destroyed the Middle Class907 Words  | 4 Pagesoutsourcing phenomenon has been fueled by the recent trends in globalization, with the hope to cut cost and increase production. Globalization was intended to benefit the world economy, but the wage difference among different globalized countries has promoted a negative aspect of outsourcing. If wage equality can be achieved among the countries, globalization’s full potential can be achieved. Although it is becoming a rising topic, globalization is not new. The concept of globalization has existed from beginningRead MoreAmerica s Worst Economic Period1255 Words  | 6 Pagesrampantly. 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